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"Good morning, I made you breakfast" Cassie said as she brought the tray with food on it.

I watched her for a second and she burst out laughing which since she came she have never had.
No lie it shook me up a lil.

"The fuck you thought....nigga I ain't tryna kill you, who's gon protect me if I do" she said as she laughed harder.

I swear it made me chuckle something I hardly do.

"Come on, let's eat together" she said as she sat near me.
I looked at her and pushed the tray away.

"I ain't giving you a lil space to think you can be ma actual wife, look don't do no shit for me, stay on ya lane, all these lil shit you be doing ain't gon work whatever ya motives are" I said as I got up to do ma personal hygiene.

"Why you acting like this" she asked me as she stood at the bathroom door.

"Bitch what is yo damn problem huh....leave me the fuck alone" I said as she jerked her head back.

"Were yo home training at" she asked me as I turned around and placed ma hands around her neck.

"Trey stop....." She said choking.

"You fucking talk bout ma home training referring to ma mama ima kill you" I said to her as she keep fighting ma hands.

"Trey....please" she cried as I watched her eyes then let her go as she fell to the ground crying.

I took ma stuffs and went to the other bathroom.

Fuck wrong with me.

Excuse ma mistakes.....

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