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"Baby, I know I fucked up, but once I got to Lester the feds were already there, Jordan and ya pops were behind me they had no choice but to leave me" I said to Cassie as we sat in the visitor's room.

"Look at this shits on your legs and hands, oh my god" she said as she touched my face.

"Am sorry, I let you down, I know I was suppose to be with ma daughter, but I ain't gon stay here the whole 17 years, I gotta lawyer" I said to her.

"I know, ima stick withchu on this...."

10more minutes.

"10 more minutes I got to talk to you, I miss you so much, I miss our daughter, am gon come home, I love the both of ya all, am still the shits in this prison, so am gon call you and ma daughter almost every night got that" I said to her as I watched a tear fell.

"Okay, I love you, we love you ima bring her next time when am coming" she said as she hugged me and kissed me.

"Okay that's enough, back to your cell" the police officer said as he carried Trey through the doors, he kept looking at me till he was out of sight.

"Am so sorry Mira" I whispered in tears.

excuse all ma mistakes please.......

Wow, so ya all got the clip, now this is were is finna end, cause ma books don't be long,
Where did ya all think Lester went to....
Do ya all think Mira will see her dad at 17?
Will they get along?

Thanks for ya all reads and votes,,,,the sequel will be coming out soon.
I love you guys, thanks for the journey OMG.....
So the part two,
Please suggest a title and I might take one..
Thank you so much.

The Plug: Chicago Dealजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें