12 - Dear Prudence

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I start the day at the court, with Bill. It's always a great way to start a day. He never disappoints. I learn a lot and laugh a lot.

He's very friendly with me, giving me the feeling that he likes me. With some doubt since yesterday. I curse Mr. Warren mentally, but while heading back to the office, I ask Bill outright.

"Do you think I'm scary?"

"Yes." He laughs and makes a scared face. When he sees my furrowed brows, his face turns more serious.

"Okay, a little bit. But everyone likes you. Your skills are a bit disturbing, that's all."

"Where the fuck did this rumor come from?" I spread my hands. "I'm preparing cases, just like Liam. You can't possibly tell..."

"News travels fast. Everyone and their mother heard about your first day performance here."

"Oh, come on." I shrug. "It wasn't a dissertation, after all. It was ten fucking sentences, nothing more."

"Yeah. Ten of exactly what was needed. That's what makes it extraordinary."

"But still."

"Believe me, everyone likes you," Bill says. "We just don't know much about you."

"Are you worried that I'm a terrorist or something? You can always google my name. I'm not a person without a past."

"Oh, I'm sure everyone and their mother did that already, thank you. I did, for sure. And you are, without a doubt, a writer. Besides being a terrific lawyer, of course. Kudos on that."


"So no one thinks you're a terrorist." He grins. "You're not that kind. Rather, the one who gives orders to terrorists. Hey, just joking."

"Are you?"

"I am. It's not your past. Nor your intelligence. It's the way you keep Mark on his toes. No one did that before, you know."

"I don't do that either," I inform him. "Not anymore."

He starts to whistle Dear Prudence by the Beatles. I can't help but laugh.

"One can only wonder," he goes on snickering, "how long this prudent behavior can last. In your case, I highly doubt that more than a few days. Or hours. Or minutes. Come on, you two are at each other's throat the moment you're left alone."

"That's so unfair," I sigh.

"What? You've been fighting since day one."

"I don't need to be left alone to do that. I'm ready to do the same in front of everyone."

He laughs.

"Okay, this was the last joke," I tell him. "Now comes the part where I'm dead serious. I won't lose my cool again. Period. I need this job, and from now on I will make sure that I don't provoke him in any way."


"You'll see. I can be really polite. And respectful. And compliant."


"I don't care, Bill. I'm not interested in any of your sentences starting with he."

"Did he—"

"I'm not interested in did he either. Just trust me. I will make it work."

He sighs.

"So let me translate it," he says after a small pause. "Now you hate him too much to shout at him."

"Incorrect. I'm too reasonable to make the same mistake twice."

"Did he—"


"For fuck's sake, what did he do? See, it's starting with for now. And fuck. Even better."

"Much better, really." I pout. "Okay, he did nothing. He warned me. In a very civilized way, he wasn't even rude or anything, just made himself clear. That's it."

"Great. Clear, huh? I highly doubt it."

"Why? What? I can't follow."

"Never mind." He shrugs. "I just know he did something stupid. And now you're going to punish him for it."


"Listen, he's just not used to being second-guessed. It's a mutual learning, I think."

"It's absurd, Bill! I just do exactly as he told me. He owns this whole fucking company. I don't think I need any more reasons. He directs, I comply. And that's it."

Bill exhales sharply.

"That's not how it works. Not how he works. He might be a bit authoritarian sometimes, but—"

"I. Don't. Care."

"Well, you should, because—"

"Okay," I interrupt him. "Here's a little test. If he asked you, would you tell him the same? That he's a bit authoritarian? Would you dare?"

"No need for conditional tense."


"And yes, I told him the same," Bill states simply.

My eyes almost pop out of their place.

"Did he ask you?"

"What about your ban on the questions starting with did he?" He grins. "Yes, he asked me yesterday."

I wish my face showed less of my emotions. Bill pats my shoulder and goes on.

"So. Now I can only hope that you don't mean a single fucking word of what you said in the last ten minutes."

"What? That I'm going to be respectful, and nice, and—"


"Well, sorry for not providing your daily reality show anymore, but, as I said earlier, I need this job."

"Okay." He nods. "Then I feel the need to make myself clear as well. Daily reality is much more entertaining than a psychological drama, in which he hurt you, and you make him pay for it. I know it's serious now. I just know."

If I let Mr. Warren's opinion bother me, I'd be hurt from day one, I think. He made himself clear back then as well. Hiring me as an act of charity. Not a very promising start. Not the tumultuous but comfortable companionship Bill imagines it to be.

"Not really," I tell him with a smile. "Nothing changed. Don't make a big thing out of it, please."

He doesn't seem to be convinced but lets the subject drop.

By the time we get back to the office, we're in a much better mood.

I collect a few papers and make my way to my desk. I almost trip the very moment I risk a glance in the direction of Mr. Warren's office.

Liam is in there. Mr. Warren is interrogating him on something, as usual.

They are both sitting on the couch. Side by side. Like two swallows on the wire.

I don't give any sign that I noticed. I march to my desk, keeping my face as expressionless as possible. Without a hint of glee in my eyes. Without a ghost of a smile on my mouth. As businesslike and impassionate as only the very statue of the good employee can be. And, of course, I firmly refuse to take a second look into that direction. Or anywhere near that.

I don't think I could manage an accidental eye contact without looking triumphant.

I don't think I could manage an accidental eye contact without looking triumphant

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