Fields of Verdun

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Lez go

Y/N's POV:

I wake up in the barracks before everyone else. As per usual I'm the first one up so I go ahead and start putting on my armor. This "Castle" we're assaulting is situated on a mountain. However it's surrounded by hundreds of miles of entrenched rebels. Our first plan of attack is take over a trench near a small village called Verdun. Locals are pro rebellion so they will probably be supplying the enemy as we fight.

Jane: Your up early.

I turn to see Jane sitting up in her rack.

Y/N: Not that early, everyone's waking up in 30 minutes. Why don't you go back to sleep for now?

Jane: Nah I'm already up.

And so she gets out of her rack and changes into her armor. The action of which is almost second nature at this point. In fact I always feel uncomfortable when I'm not in it.

Jane: You ready Knox?

Y/N: As if I have the choice to not be ready.

And so time passes and my squad is all gathered up. We stand in our transport ships. There are about 200 of us headed towards enemy lines.

Y/N: Alright listen up men. Our enemies have miles of trenches dug out. Artillery's been pounding these guys harder than Jodi back home. The air boys have been giving them hell so it should be an easy capture. But anything can happen so keep your eyes open and watch eachothers backs.

Ace: Do we have any idea what our enemies numbers are looking like?

Y/N: Hard to say the smoke and dust has been playing hell with our thermals. We estimate somewhere in the hundreds.

Zero: Ha ha let me at them I'm ready boss.

Y/N: In due time Zero.

Our ship lands.

Y/N: Alright here we go.

The ramp drops and we run out. For the first time ever we're not met with blaster fire.

Brock: Well that's new.

Natalie: Yeah...I don't like it one bit.

I spot the enemy trench about 200 yards away. There's not much cover and we're out in the open.

Y/N: Alright let's move it or lose it.

I start to jog towards the trench and my squad follows. I look to my left and see hundreds of my brothers in arms also looking around confused. To my right is a more inexperienced group.

It's then I see movement from the trench. A rebel springs up onto their DLT-19 and then all hell breaks loose.

Y/N: Get down!

We throw ourselves down as a wall of blaster fire comes from the trenches. The rebels shout out their war cry as they spray down soldier after soldier.

Bruce: Damnit those fuckers got us pinned!

Ethan: We're so fucked!

Y/N: Well let's unfuck this situation damnit!

The enemy trench is about 40 yards away at this point but heavy fire is coming from it.

Y/N: Zero pop us some smoke!

Zero: On it!

Zero throws out smoke grenades in front of us. The smoke obscures our exact location but red rebel fire tears through it.

Y/N: Alright let's get this shit done! Charge!

We get up from our positions and charge through the smoke. We run low as blaster fire whizzes past us and over us. It's then I can see the enemy. I raise my blaster and fire. My bolt strikes a rebel in their head and they fall backwards dead.

Zero: Get some!

I jump into the trench and am met with a rebel turning to me confused before realization strikes him. Unfortunately for him Bruce blasts his head clean off. The close quarters melee ensues.

Sandman: Sir the other troops broke through watch for friendly fire.

A rebel charges me with a knife and I shoot them twice in their chest before side stepping a rebel swinging their gun at me. I jam my elbow into their throat and bring them to the ground. I then grab their head and twist it to the side.

Natalie: Watch your back!

She shoots down a rebel who came up behind me.

Doc: Shit!

I turn to see Doc struggling with a rebel for their knife. I run over and kick the rebel off of Doc and then shoot them in the neck.

Y/N: You good?

I offer him my hand.

Doc: Yeah thanks.

He takes my hand.

Y/N: Alright let's clear this bitch out!

In the midst of all the fighting and screaming I hear the sounds of artillery. The earth around us shakes as shells pound the trench. Dirt and rocks fly up at us like a swarm of insects.

Jane: Those bastards planned this!

The rebels begin to retreat out of the trench. A few reckless troopers climb out of the trench to pursue them only to be cut down by more machine gun fire. I peak over the trench and see that there's a second trench with more fortifications than one we're in.

Y/N: Damnit they lured us into this mess.

The fighting around me stops and I look around to see that we've cleared out the trench. More artillery goes off but this time it's friendly artillery slamming into the rebel controlled trench. The rebels respond with their own bombardment turning the blue sky into an ashen gray.

Y/N: Doc how we looking?

Doc: We've got a lot of wounded sir.

He's on his knees bandaging up some kid fresh out of bootcamp.

Y/N: We need time hunker down somewhere.

Ace: Sir I found a dugout we can use to hold our wounded.

Y/N: It'll have to do. Listen up anyone who is not seriously wounded, pick up one of your brothers and carry them to our new med bay.

I hoist a wounded trooper onto my shoulders and follow Ace as the trench is still being pounded by artillery.

Y/N: Ethan get me a line to command.

Ethan: On it.

Y/N: I want everyone who's just standing around to get into a fucking defensive position and get ready to turn back any enemy advance.

And so everyone begins to move around the trench and taking the rebel's MG's they point them towards the other trench.

Ethan: Comms established.

Y/N: Thanks.

I start talking with command. My heart drops to my stomach at the new order. The comms are then cut.

Y/N: Alright listen up. Command wants us to hold this trench until they can send us reinforcements. Trouble is the other battalions need reinforcements and we're last on the list of people that need help. So we'll be here awhile.

We have about 140 troops against an unknown amount of rebels. I fear we'll end up holding this damn trench to our last breathes.

Nightfalls and I peak my head out across the field only to see that the once green fields of Verdun have been turned into a gray wasteland.

I hear a cry across the field from the other trench.

Bruce: Here they come!

Zero: Come get some!

The enemy charges towards us. Their numbers are many and the ground shakes with their movement.

Hell take me.

Aaand scene

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