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Before we get started I'd like to give credit where credit is due. This planet comes from EchoSquadron . Okay lez go

Y/N's POV:

I stand in the docking bay of the Bismarck. We've been given a mission to secure a foothold on some planet called Na'Basa. Apparently it's got resources the Empire wants to get their hands on.

Avilla: Sergeant it appears your men are ready to go.

Y/N: It would appear so Captain.

I march down to my battalion as they stand at attention. Avilla joins me as she walks with her hands behind her back.

Y/N: Alright listen up men. We're being sent to the planet known as Na'Basa. Be aware this planet is practically a wasteland now. We have reports of outlaw organizations on planet and they don't really like anyone. So be ready for a fight if need be. Now fall out!

They all march into their transport ships and I turn to Avilla.

Y/N: You'll be close by?

Avilla: We will maintain orbit around the planet but cannot guarantee we'll be in the same spot. You will be on your own when it comes to getting out.

Y/N: Thanks for all the support.

She looks into the eyes of my helmet.

Avilla: Let me make this very clear Sergeant. I will not hesitate to leave you behind if need be. I care for this ship and her crew only. What you do down there hardly concerns me.

I roll my eyes behind my helmet.

Y/N: Understood ma'am. Stay safe.

I march into my transport ship.

Jane: Hey Knox.

Y/N: Hey guys.

Natalie: Let me guess, Avilla doesn't care about what happens to us does she?

Y/N: Why would she?

Bruce: So what exactly are we doing when we land?

Y/N: We're setting up camp then sending out a scouting party.

Brock: Something tells me we're not going to have a fun time.

Ace: Well when do we ever?

Evelyn: I take it you guys are always doing something life threatening.

Doc: Every day when we put on our armor.

Our ship takes off and we head to the planets surface. The air is barely breathable which might change over time. When we land we're greeted with sand lots of sand. In the distance is the faint outline of a city of sorts.

Y/N: Alright let's get to work while the sun is out.

So we get to work setting up the camp. We have our tents set up, comm station, a fence around the perimeter and guard stations.

It's now dark the planet's three moons are out illuminating the camp ground.

Y/N: Alright Ace, Evelyn and Jane your with me. We're going to scout out that city.

Ace: Alright.

Evelyn: I'm already ready sir.

Jane: Lead the way.

And so we board an assault truck we brought with us. We drive through the desert with the moons lighting the way. We arrive outside of the city and get off of our vehicle.

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