I bought a watch but its analog and I cant read that

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[personal log-H.RJ v.1.3]

The tense air eventually dissipated as the threat was neutralized. We relaxed after putting on a movie. When Jeno got up for snacks I followed him to tell him about the possibly impending panic.
"Jeno. Uhm," I didn't know how to tell him without him freaking out.
"What's up? Is something wrong?" He asked.
"Well, yes and no." I laced my hands together and glanced at the floor.
"Renjun? What's the matter?" He stepped closer. I didn't want to worry him but there's no other way to go about this.
"When Rocky was getting aggressive with Jaemin, something happened. We're programmed to have a distress signal in case one of us is in danger and uhhh-"
"Spit it out, Jun." Jeno crossed his arms and tapped his foot.
"Taeyong and Doyoung and maybe the new Jaehyun are on their way to let's say 'eliminate the threat'"
"You guys are gonna kill Rocky?!" Chenle walked in and his jaw dropped.
"Well-" I tried to explain.
"You guys are going to what?!" Haechan shrieked from the living room.
"Guys! Just listen." Jeno brought me back into the living room and had me stand where everyone could hear me.
"Taeyong, Doyoung,  'Jaehyun', and I have a 'peer protection program' where if one of us is in danger, the rest of us immediately know about it and we get an image of the threat and a location of where whoever's in danger is at."
"Heh, PP program." Chenle laughed to himself.
"Yeah, so the PP program is active?" Haechan bit at his nails.
"Not anymore. It just cut off. The threat has been neutralized."
"What does neutralized mean?" Jeno asked.
"Well, I'm not exactly sure. It just means that the dangerous thing isn't dangerous anymore. Jaemin should be coming back soon." I explained.

We waited.

Jeno opened the door and I watched him step back as Jaemin and Jisung walked in. Jisung had his hands shoved in his pockets and Jaemin wouldn't speak.
"What'd you do to Rocky?" Haechan asked. Jisung grinned and pulled a watch out from his pocket with a bloody fist. "The fuck did you two do?!" Haechan shrieked.
"I just roughed him up a bit. Jeez I thought you'd be happy. Besides, he told us what he did to you. He was a dick. Right Jaem?" Jisung nudged Jaemins shoulder.
"Don't." Jaemin said. I looked down at the blood on his shoe.
"Jaemin, your shoes." Chenle mumbled. The room fell silent as we stared at the bloodied sneakers.
"I didn't mean to hurt him. I-I had conflicting instructions so I just did what felt right. I didn't mean to hurt him."
"You didn't hurt that prick! Rocky's a tough dude. He'll be fine in the morning." Jisung scoffed and shoved his hands back in his pockets. Haechan held his hand out and Jisung handed his watch to him. He silently walked upstairs and closed the door to his room. Jeno sighed and followed him.

I remained downstairs with Jaemin, Jisung, and Chenle.

"I haven't fought like that in ages! I felt so alive and-and so strong, and so fucking free, Lele." Jisung mused. Jaemin has taken off his shoes and was staring at them as they sat in the corner of the room, red stains turning brown. Jisung had washed his hands but some of the red liquid remained under his nails.
"Am I a bad person?" Jaemin asked, eyes never leaving his shoes.
"No. You did what was right." Jisung scoffed.
"You're not a bad person but I feel like drawing blood is a little much." Chenle messed with his hoodie strings and shrugged.
"You're not a person, Jaemin." I said. He was silent for a moment and looked at me.
"I am a person." He frowned and I felt guilty for a moment. Guilt quickly turned to bitterness.
"We're just fancy computers. We're AI, Jaemin. We were never people." I looked down and heard him sigh. I'd caused a tension in the room and I was regretting it.
"I'm gonna take a walk. If I don't come back I'm just at home." Jaemin got up and left the house.
"Are we just gonna let him do that?" Jisung asked as the door shut.
"Yeah. Why wouldn't we?" I asked.
"Well...I don't know. He might...hurt himself? If that's even possible."
"It isn't. The most damage he can do is let his core run out but he's newer and it takes three days for it to completely die." I stated. Those were the facts.

(Gah! It's been a while)
(Sorry for the long breaks in between chapters but I'm doing my best to get past this writers block)
(I know what I want to do I'm just having a hard time executing it)
(I wanna post the next few chapters all at once bc it's really tense and I don't want a three month cliff hanger)
(Forgot to finish my note before I posted oops)
(I just wanna day thank you for reading and sticking around for so long)

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