Log #4

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Chenle got an A on his project! I felt like I vicariously succeeded. In other news, it is currently fall and seeing people bundle up is interesting. They have to protect themselves and be really uncomfortable so they don't get sick. Cute. In other other news, Jeno made a lane attempt at flirting but I accepted it anyway. I found it cute that he tried. Is this allowed?



I keep getting ignored by Jeno. He'll often choose Renjun over me to help out with things. Sometimes they'll even hold hands. Or cuddle because Jeno "was really cold. He said he was at least." I'll admit it's cute but there's something about it that makes me upset. They do these things in places they know I'll be and it makes me so upset and angry and I'm not sure why. I don't think I'm jealous but it's possible. I just wish it was me holding his hand sometimes. Not sure why. Fix it.



Guess who got a dog? Us! It's a small lil wiener dog. I felt like wiener dogs deserved more love. Cinnamon is the best and cutest dog. No other dog will compare. All dogs are great but this one is slightly better. [I named her cinnamon.]



Nothing fucking happens at the library. One lady was high once and caused a bit of a ruckus and I had to kindly ask her to leave. She didn't put up a fight or argue she just said "that's cool." And left. I've never been more upset with an experience.



Jungwoo came by with some dude today. He attracts weirdos. There's a new one like every week. There was one that stayed around for like a month but he disappeared like the rest of them. I hope it's nothing too scandalous going on.


(All I want is to provideeeee)
(Also, I've spent the past two nights pairing songs with the Go dance practice and if I new how to edit videos I would post 8 videos)
(Also also, these log chapters were supposed to be every five chapters but it kind of reduced to two and idk how I feel about that???)
(Also also also, thank you for reading)
(Also also also also, I'm sorry for having a shit schedule. I promise to be better about it in the future.)

(((Don't quote me on that)))

Three sided square (editing/revision period)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن