Log #3

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Chenle introduced me to his friend Jisung. He's not a very friendly person but if Chenle likes him I like him. Apparently they've been friends for a very long time. I'll be staying after school sometimes over the next week or so to help out with Chenles project.

Also I'd just like to say Thank you. I didn't think I'd ever come back. My friends at school said that they were worried about me so that made me feel good. I suppose loved might be the right word.

Thank you,


Jeno asked me what my ideal type was. Why did you block the search? I mean it's not anything bad. The majority of it isn't bad.

Okay so most of it is bad but that's not the point! If you block things I'll just be more curious. Be careful with what you block.



I went to the park and played with some dogs. Can we get a dog? It took a lot to convince the others to even look at a dog. They love them though. I want a dog so bad.



I got a job! I work in a library, it's down the street from our place, and the little old lady who owns it loves me. She's so sweet. I start Monday. I'm so excited.



I threw another party and was invited to some private event by one of our neighbors. Something to do with dancing-I'm pretty sure. I'm excited either way. Wish me luck!


(Thank you for reading)

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