It's raining outside

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Jeno wasn't sure why but he found something so peaceful about the rain. It was fall so it was cold out too so that made it ten times better. It was a Saturday so there was no school and he had been in his room all morning.

At around noon there was a knock on his door.
"Jeno?" It was Renjun.

"It's open." He called out to him.

"Your mother asked me to check up on you." Renjun tentatively approached, not too sure if they were completely on good terms. Then something nobody expected to happen happened.

Jeno smiled at him. He even scooted over so Renjun could sit next to him on the bed. Renjun really didn't want to overstep his boundaries but in that moment he felt so blessed. Jeno was in a good mood because of the rain and he really wanted to make up for what he said.
"I'm alright. I just really like the rain. I might take a short walk in a little while."

"You might get sick! It's cold and soggy. For me the sound of the rain is better than the feeling." Renjun shook his head as he thought about being in the rain.

"It's worth it for a few more minutes of solitude." Jeno shrugged as Renjuns eyes glowed. "Your eyes don't glow very often these days. Have you been learning things?"

"Yeah. I met this boy named Chenle and he likes to talk. It's always interesting stuff. He told me how he gets stressed out whenever that Freshman waves or smiles at him in the hallway. The amount he talks about him is quite cute."

"Young love." Jeno mumbled as the rain got a bit harder.

"Are you sure you still want to go on a walk?"

"Yes. Would you like to come with me?" Jeno uncrossed his legs under the covers and Renjun just looked at him. "Hello?"

"Yeah. I would love to go." Renjun smiled as his eyes glowed. He seemed to have learned something.

Renjun grabbed an umbrella as he waited for Jeno at the door. His battery was a bit low since he hadn't charged himself since Thursday. He was up doing some kid's homework and wanted to make sure it was perfect. If there was a number for how he felt it would have been 15%. He was just barely hanging on when they finally left.

They didn't talk. It was a silent walk around the neighborhood. Jeno loved the way the road reflected the porch lights from nearby houses in the rain. He loved the sound and the smell. The way the water sprayed up whenever car sped by. If he could marry the rain he would.

A small pinging noise brought him out of his thoughts. It was slow and consistent. The time between each shortened and Renjun stumbled. He caught himself be he couldn't keep going.
"Jeno. C-can we go back?" His voice was quiet. Jeno definitely didn't hear him so he tried to be a bit louder.
"Jeno? Hey can we...can we go back?" The boy was exhausted.


"Renjun?" Jeno finally turned around. Renjun swayed a bit before falling forward. Thankfully, Jeno was close enough to catch him. "Renjun what- no point in asking. Shit." Jeno called his parents and neither of them picked up. He called the house phone hoping Jaemin would answer. He didn't. He called Jaehyun, Taeyong, and Doyoung. Doyoung answered.

"Holy shit thank you! Help me Renjun passed out and I don't know what to do. I can't carry him all the way, he's heavy. What do I do?"

"Slow down! I can't understand you." Doyoungs voice crackled through the bad signal.

"Renjun passed out in the rain. Fucking help me I don't know what to do Doyoung!"

"You can't carry him you might injure yourself. Um did you call your parents?"

"Yes! Just come out here and help me the rain is getting worse! I don't know what to do! I don't even know what happened! I-Is he dead? Come help me!"

"Jeno I'm all the way downtown. It'd take about an hour to get to you. See if you can drag him or something. I wish I could but by the time I get down there something might happen."

"I don't care if something might happen just please come help me." Either rain got in both of his eyes or he was crying. The latter option seemed more plausible. He felt so hopeless. Either Renjun just fucking died or something else. "Fuck it I'll call someone else." He hung up and dialed Haechan. He picked up after the first ring.
"Haechan! Help me!"

"Are you outside? What happened are you okay?"

"I was walking with Renjun and he just kinda dropped dead I don't know what to do and the rain is pouring like a bitch. Help us!"

"I'm on my way just tell me which house you're at."

"Y'know the blue house like fifteen minutes away from my house that I used to make fun of you for liking so much?"

"Haha bitch my obsession is helpful now. I'm right around the corner."

"Please don't-" Haechan hung up. "Hang up. Shit." Jenos back was starting to hurt from holding Renjun for so long. He eased him onto his knees and positioned him so he'd be sitting up. Jeno sat next to him as he waited for Haechan. Renjuns eyes were grayed out and he looked like he was deep in thought. Either that or dead.
"I'm sorry for being a dick to you. You're very sweet and I regret everything. I spent the whole summer trying to hate you. I wasted my summer and probably ruined yours. I'm so sorry." Jeno rested his head on Renjuns shoulder.

"Jeno! What happened?" Haechan slowed down as he neared the boys, clearly out of breath.

"I don't know. We went for a walk and he just stopped. Help me get him back to my house. He's too heavy for me to carry on my own." Haechan nodded. He lifted Renjun by his armpits and Jeno grabbed his legs.

"Fuck!" Haechan groaned as they shuffled towards the house in sync. He was already exhausted from running so far but now he was lugging a robot back home. Thankfully he'd do anything for his best friend.

They reached the house and gently set Renjun down. Jeno flung open the door and dragged him inside.
"Jaemin! Come here!" Jaemin came upstairs from the basement and looked between the two standing boys before he looked down.

"Oh." Jaemin picked up Renjun with little to no effort and plopped him down in the living room. He plugged a cord into his charging port after using his sleeve to dry the area and sighed. "He just died. It's all good."

"He died?!" Haechan gasped.

"Probably should've worded that better. It's his battery. It takes two days for his to run out after a full charge. I guess he just hasn't in a while." He shrugged and started to leave.

"Wait. Next time if I call. Please pick up the phone." Jaemin nodded as he trotted down the stairs. It felt like he just didn't care but then again, he is a robot.

"Now that that's resolved, can I stay here so I don't have to run in the rain again?" Jeno nodded before sneezing. Maybe he should listen to Renjun more often.

(lol I'm bad at drama.)
(I know I said I might be gone for a while but...oops)
(Thank you for reading)

Three sided square (editing/revision period)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon