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"So he's the same as before right? Just a different b-body?" I stuttered as I looked at the new Renjun. His hair was a dark brown and his eyes were grey.

"Totally. There was a malfunction deep in the core. Something inside of the actual body disconnected or something so we had to create a new one. This system is more like the one Jaemin has. He's gonna act the same he just looks different." My father explained as he pat me on the back as if that was supposed to comfort me.

"That's an entirely different person."

"You're being shallow Jeno. It's not always about looks. That's why I marr-"

"Don't." My mother said. If looks could kill.

"But that's not the Renjun I know."

"Just pretend he got a haircut. What's your friends name? The tan one that's always here?" He snapped his fingers trying to remember.


"Right! He's dyed his hair a few times right? You still like him right?"

"That's different. I've known him since I was like, seven. And he's not a robot."

"Okay yeah but. He looks more like a teenager than a child."

"I liked the red hair. Do his eyes still glow when he learns something?" I looked Renjun up and down, frowning.

"No. He said whenever he was in class he'd have to cover his face or look away. We improved his personality a bit so he wouldn't be so...bland? I guess that's the right word."

"I don't think he was bland. Just sweet and soft spoken."

"You make it sound like you lost your husband. Get over it kiddo." My dad rolled his eyes and finally turned Renjun 2.0 on.

His body jolted upwards as he began speaking. "I'm alive! Oh that was awful! Thank you. Oh thank you! Jeno can I have a hug? I know you don't like them but I'm just so happy to be back." He looked ecstatic as he examined his new limbs. I wrapped my arms around him and he almost squeezed the life out of me in return. I didn't mind of course. "Where's Jaemin?" As if it was scripted, Jaemin peeked his head in the door.

"Renjun?" He sounded so genuinely confused. "Where'd you go? You look so...different?"

"The cloud I guess. Is it a bad different?"

"No you look great! It just going to take a minute or two to get used to." Jaemin had walked up and was scanning his new features. He hummed a bit and nodded. I suppose it had finally processed.

They both looked great. They probably don't even know what a crush is though. Normal high schoolers usually have a crush...
Most of them at least. I considered suggesting it but I didn't want to be scolded for a stupid idea. I'd been mulling it over since a week after Jaemin was activated.


"Hey mom?" I went up to her the next morning.

"Yes sweetie?" She looked up from her computer to give me her full attention.

"Y'know what would really make the boys seem like good ol' high school boys? Falling in love. Fake love of course. A crush possibly?"

"Honey...who do you think I am? You think I didn't add that to Renjuns new system? Come on I thought we knew each other well." She frowned and leaned back in her chair.

"Wait so that's actually a thing?" I couldn't stop myself from grinning.

"Of course! I gave him and ideal type and everything. Same with Jaemin."

"How long has Jaemin had it?"

"Since forever, honey."

"Thank you. I owe you my life." She furrowed her brows at the comment but nodded anyway. I left and went to find one. Either of them I didn't care at that point. "Jaemin!" He looked up from his spot in the kitchen. "Can I talk to you for a second? In private?" My dad who was nearby narrowed his eyes at me. Jaemin nodded and followed me to my room.

"What's wrong are you alright?" He sat cross legged on the floor.

"I'm great actually I just wanted to talk." I shut the door behind me. "What's this I hear about an ideal type?"

"Did your mother tell you? Do you know what it is?"

"Yeah." He raised a brow at me after a few seconds of silence.

"Do you mind telling me? There's a whole little section labeled ideal type with a bunch, not really a bunch but a list, of traits and attributes of people I don't know."

"Can't you just look it up? You're a robot? More of a phone than a robot to be honest..."

"It's a blocked search."

"Bl-okay. Well an ideal type is like... it's like when you like someone but they look like how you'd prefer them to look? Shit I didn't put much thought into this."

"I like you?" Jaemin tilted his head.

"N-no not like that. Like when you like like someone."

"Jeno what does that mean? I don't understand."

"Okay umm. Do you know what a crush is?" He nodded. "It's like that but they match everything on the list." He nodded and made a face.

"Good hair. Cute smile. Messy with a trademark symbol next to it. 'Has good intentions I promise'. Umm. Strong. Athletic. That's everything on the list." My mother had been looking at too many 'tag yourself' memes.

"You talk out of one side of your mouth."*


"I was watching you talk and you use one side of your mouth more than the other." The only thing worse than being whipped is being stupid or both.

"Is that bad?" He scratched the back of his neck.

"Of course not! It's kind of cute. A-anyway is that really all that's on the list?"

"Yes, short and sweet." They looked at each other for a moment. "I'm gonna go." I nodded as Jaemin got up to leave. By the looks of things I didn't even have a chance with a robot.

(*okay so I know I'm not the only one that's noticed this but it's really cute. If you just watch him talk casually or whatever he uses one side a little more than the other.)
(This is a shit chapter but I guess it moves the story along???? I'm so sorry??? I'll try to do better and figure out a way to transition things in a way that's not just dialogue.)
(Trying to make this a little more gay before pride month is out)
(Also happy pride month)
(Anyway thank you for reading I'll try to use less dialogue in the future lol)

Three sided square (editing/revision period)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن