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"There's no blue shell what the hell are you on!?"


"Quit fucking yelling!"


Jeno watched Rosalina do a flip right at the finish line. He almost chucked the controller across the room. "I was right fucking there!" Jeno scowled as he passed the finish line at 4th. He was pissed to say the least. "Fucking- whatever who's next?" Jeno tossed the switch to the next person and went to get something to drink.

"Hey Jeno. Would you like some juice? There is alcohol but your mother wouldn't like it." Renjun flashed a bright smile and Jeno raised an eyebrow at him.


"Yep. I'm giving you juice you took too long to answer." Renjun slid a glass his way and Jeno stared down into the dark liquid.

"You should spike it." A tipsy dude sauntered by leading another guy towards the shed outside.

"Yikes." Jeno made a face.

"I would be going against the wishes of people who prefer not to drink. I refuse to spike any drink unless it's a personal drink."

"Put something in this." Jeno pushed the glass back after taking a sip. Renjun gave him a look. "What I'm thirsty."

"Then drink some fucking water. Your mom would kill you if you came home drunk."

"Then I won't come home."

"Are you already drunk? What kind of logic is that?"

"A drop?"

"No Jeno."

"I escaped." Jaemin snuck around the corner in the room and furrowed his brows at the tension in the room. "What's going on?"

"Jeno is trying to drink but I refuse to let him." Renjun crossed his arms. Jaemin glanced at Jeno who winked at him.

"Let him drink. Just don't tell on him." Renjun rolled his eyes and tossed a beer from the fridge in Jenos direction.

"Thank you~!"

"Oi drink responsibly." Renjun pointed a finger at him.

"You got it." Jeno saluted them and left the kitchen.

"Jaemin~!" A girl called out to him.

"Quick pretend to be my boyfriend."


"Shh!" Jaemin slunk his arm around Renjun as she walked in the room.

"Jaemin~ you left so suddenly. Did you go to get drinks?"

"Sorry. I went to see my boyfriend." Jaemin poked Renjuns cheek.

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