Part Seventy Two

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What happened yesterday will haunt me for the rest of my life.  I'll grieve for Gray, but I have to live for our baby.  The most important thing at the moment, is starting this little family with the man I love.  I do love Blaine, more than I have ever loved anyone.  From his conservative attitude, to his smile and touch, I love every part of him. 

The man I thought would be a lousy lay, is anything but lousy in bed. He woke things up inside me I never knew existed.  His smile warms me straight through, and his touch both calms me and excites me.  He never left my side for a moment, and he even showered me and took care of me like my life depended on him.  I'm going to marry Blaine Lowell if it's the last thing I do, Gray won't ruin this for us.  I won't allow him to take any more away from me.  I'll push through this better than I did when Lisa died. I didn't have Blaine to love me through those first days, but I have him now.

I did as I always do when I get ready.  I won't let this cloud ruin another day.  Blaine and I are getting married, adopting his nephew, and having a baby, and that's where I will put my focus from here on out.

I dried and put waves in my hair, put on makeup, and tried to cover my swollen and red eyes, then put on the clothes that barely match that Eli packed from the house.  I can't let anyone see me like this, so I went to my mother's room and borrowed a shirt.

I walked downstairs, and the first person I saw, was my exhausted and worried mother.

"Sweetheart, you look amazing in that shirt." She smiled with a new hope in her eyes.

"Yeah, do me a favor and don't allow Eli to pack for me again," I said just as he walked into the room.

"Don't blame me, the cops wouldn't let me inside so some detective packed a few things for me." He said.

"Well, when can I get my other stuff?" I asked, and he shrugged.

"I told them to call me when it's cleared.  I hope that's soon, because there's a cleaning crew your boyfriend hired waiting to go inside." He said.

Thank God for Blaine. Eli walked away like he had other plans for the moment.

"You're welcome to anything in my closet." Mom said.

"Thanks, Mom."

"We have a young fellow coming to visit from what Blaine said. I understand he will soon be my grandchild, so I have some spoiling to do today.  I was just going to pick up some groceries so I can bake him some cookies." She said.

"Hey, you haven't baked any for me in eons." Eli pouted as he yelled in from the next room.

"You're a grown man, visit a bakery." She said as she put on her coat.  "Is there anything you need while I'm out?" She asked me.

"No, I'm okay Mom.  When will Dad be home?" I asked.

"He was about an hour out when he called fifteen minutes ago." She said.

"Where can I find Blaine?" I asked.

"In the study, he's making a few calls." She answered.

"Thanks, Mom."

"You're welcome sweetheart, and I'm glad to see you perked up some today."

I nodded.  "Blaine has helped a lot.  For some reason, I feel stronger when he is near me."

She nodded and gave me a funny smirk.  "That man is one of the finest I have ever seen." She wiggled her brows.

"Oh God, Mom, seriously?" Eli walked by, and we both laughed.

"He's kind and loving too," I said.

She leaned in and kissed my cheek.  "Marry that man, and don't ever let him go." She whispered, and I gave her a nod when she pulled back.

"Never," I said, and she smiled. 

"Okay, I'll be back soon."

"Be careful," I said as she went out the door.

I need to find Blaine, but I think I'll talk to Eli first.  I found him in the living room watching television, so I plopped down next to him on the couch.  I grabbed the remote and turned the t.v. off. 

"Hey, I was watching that!"

"I'll turn it back on, but I wanted to thank you, and also say I'm sorry," I said.

"There's no need, Sis. I should have looked inside that phone sooner.  Maybe I could have prevented everything from happening yesterday." He said.

I shook my head.  "He was unstable, and I'm sad to say he was so far gone there was no coming back.  Nothing either of us could have done would have saved him." He nodded, and there was an awkward moment of silence.

"Let's talk about this new guy in your life.  I like him, Sis.  I really do, and I think you should take life by the horns and just marry him.  He truly does love you, I saw that yesterday." He said.

I smiled.  "Did he tell you he wants to marry me?"

He nodded.  "Not until after I suggested it. He asked for my approval and I gave it."

"We're moving fast, that doesn't bother you?" I asked, and he took my hand.

"Sis, you're pregnant, and that baby's father is gone.  Normally, my advice would be to slow down, but if you can marry that man and truly love him, I think he should be that baby's father.  He's a bit conservative, but that also means he respects you.  If he makes you happy, then I'm happy." He said.

"I am happy with him, and I also love him, but it's all seems so fast.  At the same time, I feel like I've known him for an eternity. He wants to talk to Dad first, but I want to be married soon.  We'll adopt Will and be a family.  What do you think Dad will say?" I asked.

He squeezed my hand.  "Dad is old fashioned, he will be happy your baby is born into a loving marriage.  Dad's not the most intuitive guy, but anyone can see he loves you."

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