Part Sixty

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Tomorrow is moving day, and I'm at the new house.  I find it almost hilarious that I bought this house, only to move to New York and not really live here.  Blaine called me last night and said he was going to donate most of Cassidy's things, then overnight the small stuff. He just wants to make sure it arrives safely before he leaves Seattle.  I'm expecting that delivery at any moment. 

He said he was going to Savannah's in the afternoon to set things straight and make arrangements.  He wants to leave Seattle as soon as possible, but I know he is dreading the visit with his parents.

I'm cleaning the house so it's ready to go when the furniture arrives.  Blaine said we can keep this house for visits, and we do plan to spend quite a bit of time here when the baby comes.  He agreed I should have the baby here so I can be close to my family. 

I was scrubbing the kitchen floor when the doorbell rang.  I wiped my hands off with a towel as I walked to the door.  I signed for the box and asked the man to set it down in my empty living room.

After he left, I stared at it wondering if opening it would lead to more negative discoveries, or just be a bunch of stuff I don't want anyway.  I don't want anything of Lisa's.  Not her belongings and, definitely, not her money. 

Screw it, I grabbed a knife from the box I brought over and opened the box.  I found her jewelry, some odds and ends, then it occurred to me Blaine had to do something with her box of sex toys.  I look funny laughing out loud all by myself.

One thing caught my eye and I pulled it out.  It's her cell phone that's completely dead. Curiosity got the best of me, so I was in luck the charger was in the box.  I decided to let it charge and go back to work. 

Eli showed up and delivered some of my things from mom's house, and we ordered a pizza. 

"What's going on with you, sis?" He asked as we sat on the floor and ate.

"What do you mean?"

"No beer with your pizza, no wine with your dinner last night.  Mom and Dad have been whispering.  What are you keeping from me?" He asked.

Now is as good as a time as any.

"I bet you can guess," I said with a smirk.

"Are you knocked up?" He looks pissed.

I nodded.  "Yeah, I'm pregnant, Eli."

"Who the fuck did this to you?" He yelled.

"Calm down, I was pregnant when I left Seattle, but didn't know.  It's Gray's baby."

"Oh, thank God, I thought it was just some random dude or a priest." He said, and I threw my napkin at him.

"Not funny," I said.

"What are you going to do?" He asked, and I just told him I'm serious about Blaine, and then told him everything about Lisa and Gray.

"I'll fucking kill him!" He screamed as he paced.  He's just now learning what all happened with Gray since the beginning.

"So this Blaine guy knows you're knocked up?" He stood with his hands on his hips.

"Yeah, he's fine with it.  He makes me feel loved and it's not just me.  He said he will accept this baby as his own.  Eli, he treats me like I'm the most precious thing on earth." I started to cry.  "Nobody had ever made me feel so loved."

"Sis, why are you crying?" He knelt down and pulled me into a hug.

"Because I'm pregnant and my hormones suck."

He chuckled.

"He loves me and wants nothing in return.  I never thought I was worth that kind of love." I cried.

"What are you talking about?  You're amazing, sis.  If this man is as genuine as you say, then I'm thankful you found him." He said as he held me.

"It seems like I'm always crying these days," I said.

"I can't wait to be an uncle." He said as we both pulled away.

He doesn't know I'm going to marry Blaine. 

"Lisa was really a nutcase, huh?" He asked.

"I guess, she was paranoid and did some crazy things.  Her diary and what her aunt said made no sense.  Speaking of that, some of her things arrived today.  I was just charging her phone." I said.

"Maybe there are answers in there, maybe a better explanation." He said.

I shook my head.  "Blaine said I need to distance myself from the whole thing.  The stress was wearing on me." I said.

"He's right, and you've done enough. I'll take her phone and let you know if I find anything, if you want." He offered.

"I guess that would be okay," I said.

He stared at me for just a second.  "He really has security on you at all times?  What are they, ninja's, because I had no clue."

I nodded yes. "They're out there watching," I said.

"That's crazy, but I'm glad you're safe." He said.

"Thanks, Bub, now help me clean up this mess," I said, and he helped me put everything away.

"Is this her phone?" He yelled in from the hall while I was putting things away in the kitchen.

"Yeah, go ahead and take it," I yelled back.

We finished up and he walked me out to my car.  I need to get home, because I don't want Blaine to call until I'm at my parents and settled. 

"Bye, sis." He gave me a kiss on the cheek and a hug.

"Let me know if you find anything," I said.

"Will do." He said as he got in his truck and we both left. 

The Ghosts Of Her Past (A Completed, Steamy Romantic Mystery)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα