Part Twenty

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His father excused himself to check on his mother.  Blaine just sat back and stared at me. 

"What?" I asked, and he leaned forward.

"Did you bring those photos with you?"

I shook my head.  "No, but whoever you sent for my belongings will have them."

"Your things are most likely in your room.  I will have Gwendolyn show you upstairs."

He stood. 

"Are you leaving?"

"Yes, I do need to be going soon." He's completely sober after all those drinks? 

"Did you drive?" I asked, and he gave me a blank stare. 

"Please stay, you didn't eat much and drank plenty of whiskey," I said.

"She's right, you won't be leaving tonight." I looked up and saw his mother. 

"Please join me in the family room." She looked at both of us. 

"Yes, Mother," Blaine said, which almost sounds creepy, like Bates Motel kind of creepy.  These people are strangely formal.

I stood, and a woman walked into the room. "Gwendolyn, could you please show Miss Ashley to her room, then meet us in the family room?" Blaine asked.

"Yes, sir." She said.

I went to follow, but he took my arm and leaned in, "Would you bring your photos?"

I looked up into his gorgeous baby blue, but sorrowful eyes.  "Sure."

He let go, and I followed the young woman upstairs.  This mansion is big and cold, like there hasn't been much life in it for years.  To be honest, I liked our home in Seattle much better, it was cozy and warm. 

She led me upstairs, then through a maze of hallways until we arrived at a set of double doors.  She opened them to reveal a beautiful bedroom.  The king-sized four-post mahogany bed looked welcoming, but I have people waiting for me downstairs. 

"Your things have been put away, although your smaller items are on the dresser." She said. 

I saw my makeup bag, and next to it, was my photos.  I'm not sure how I feel about strangers getting into my things, but, hey, nothing about this trip has felt comfortable. I'm still shocked that I'm in Lisa's parents' home, let alone in this mansion. 

I picked up the photos, and she led me back downstairs. I only hope I can remember how to get back up to that bedroom.  I was taken into the family room, where Mrs. Lowell sat by herself in a satin robe, holding a glass of wine.  No wonder Lisa drank the way she did, I think liquor is all that's offered in this place. 

"Please, have a seat." She said, and I sat down on a large sofa. 

"Would you like a drink?" She asked. 

"Water would be great, thank you," I said, and Gwendolyn left to get it for me. 

"You know, I didn't always live this way. My childhood was vastly different from my children's, nobody lives this way in Scipio.  Cassidy spent many summers on my parent's farm, but my other two never showed much of an interest." She said.

"She spoke often of Scipio," I said. 

She took a drink of her wine.  "My husband said my daughter found happiness?" She asked. 

I nodded.  "We grew very close, and she always knew how to find the fun."

She smiled.  "She could find a party anywhere she went. She was my wild child, and I always feared that would get her into trouble.  Blaine always took on too much responsibility, and Nicole is in law school in Boston.  She's nearly as serious as Blaine." She said.

I looked up and saw Blaine standing in the doorway, then he walked into the room, and, with a whiskey in hand, sat in a chair. 

"I'm glad you stayed, have you informed Miss Ashley of the trouble Cassidy found?" She asked, and he nodded.

"I told her everything." He said.

"We asked you here more for your safety than anything.  As you could see when you arrived, we are heavily guarded." She said. 

"Why do you think I'm in so much danger?" I looked between them.

"The old man wants my sister's child, and you are the only one that might lead us to him or her, he will eventually look for you," Blaine said. 

"I'm not sure how I can help.  I just recently learned her real name."

"You may know more than you think." He said. 

"What can I do to help?" I asked.

"We need to go to Seattle and look through her things.  Maybe going there will jog your memory for some clues." He said.

I shook my head.  "I have to be home on Monday. I have an appointment I can't miss and work on Tuesday."

"I will send security home with you, and we will leave on Friday, but I would much rather leave sooner." He said.

I can't believe any of this crap. 

"Do I have any say in these plans?" I asked him.

"Not if you want to live. We need to end this. My family needs peace, and you need to be safe." He said.

"Did you ever think maybe that child is already safe, and we could be leading him to the child?" I asked.

"No, the safest place for that child is with us." His mother spoke up.

Blaine pointed at the photos I have in my hand.  "May I?" He asked.

I looked down at them and back up.  "Sure, I have the originals on my phone if you would like to keep them." He walked over and took them from me.

"Thank you, I appreciate it." He skimmed through them, then handed them to his mother.  I could see the pain in her eyes as she studied them.

"She looks so much older." She said as she smiled down at the photos.  There was a time of silence until she finished looking over the photos.  She finished her wine, then stood and slipped the photos into her pocket. Blaine also stood.

"Thank you for the photos, and for traveling here to tell us about Cassidy.  I do hope her child is found so that you may get back to your own life." She walked over to Blaine and placed a kiss on his cheek before she left, which obviously made him uncomfortable.  He sat back in his chair, and as soon as she left, looked at me.

"There is one thing I don't understand." He said.

"What would that be?"

"My sister was friends with someone who turns down wine?"

I shook my head.  "I've made a few healthier personal choices lately." I lied, as those choices were made after some very bad behavior almost seven weeks ago. 

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