Part Twenty One

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He shot back another drink, and I can't help but wonder if he always drinks this heavily, or if it's the stress of what he learned today. 

He smirked.  "It sounds like someone has regrets."

Yeah, he's feeling it now.

"Not exactly regrets, just taking better care of myself.  I was sick about everything. I lived with her for six years, and I feel like my life was a total lie."

He sat forward, and I was pulled into those blue eyes.  "A name means nothing, my sister was exactly who you described.  She didn't have a choice but to transform into a more subtle life.  You knew her as an adult, but we only knew her as a child.  She was only eighteen when she left, and I'm sure having a baby, then being forced to leave it, made her grow up.  Not to mention witnessing Gregory's death."

He is somewhat slurring his words.

"That may be true, but she never allowed anyone else in her life. I have to wonder why she chose me," I said. 

He got up and poured another drink.  "Who knows why Cass did the things she did. Her free spirit made life hard on our family."

I'm guessing mister stone-cold serious usually isn't this talkative. 

"Maybe I should head upstairs," I said.

He smirked again.  "Do you remember how to get to the guest wing?"

I gave him a guilty smile, then realized he said guests wing.  How big is this place?

"Come on, I'll show you."

He led me upstairs and through a few hallways until the double doors came into view once again.

"Just remember three lefts to get to the stairs." He opened the door and let me walk inside, then leaned against the door frame. 

I turned around and he is showing no sign of leaving.  What now?

"Thank you for staying tonight and talking to my parents.  The photos are nice to have and Mom will cherish them." I sat down on the little bench at the end of the bed and released the straps of my shoes.  My feet are killing me tonight, so after I removed them, I massaged them one at a time. 

"I wasn't going to stop looking until I found her family.  The told her.." I paused and noticed him looking at my legs. 

I cleared my throat.  "I just started being able to eat again. I was sick over everything, and knew I wouldn't feel better until I found her family."

He just stared at me.  "Blaine?" He snapped out of it.

"Are you on television every day?" He asked. 

"Monday through Friday, we go live at 4:30 am," I said.

"Do you make up the weather?"

I laughed.  "No, I believe there is a much higher power in charge of that. I just use science and modern technology to make a prediction."

"So you're guessing?" He asked.

I had to laugh a little.  "No, I use scientific tools to measure the weather.  Kind of like using a computer to help you play the stock market."

He smirked.  "So you make an educated guess and tell people it's going to be a beautiful day, only to have them get soaking wet in the middle of a golf game?"

I smiled and laughed a little.  "Exactly like that."

Did he just chuckle?  I stood and looked through my drawers to find my pajamas. 

"Clothes are on the right and undergarments on the left." He said. "They always do it the same."

Is he ever going to leave? Not that I mind, now that he is acting more like a normal human being.

"Mom's right, you do have similar color eyes as Cass, but you remind me of my mother when she is away from this house." He said.

I looked at him.  "House?  This isn't a house Mr. Lowell, this is a ridiculously large building that happens to have beds."

He just looked at me with those gorgeous blue eyes.  He's tall, and I can tell he is fit.  When Lisa said her brother got a lot of attention from women, I can now see why. 

"Anyway, what do you mean when she's away from here?" I asked.

Dammit, he walked inside my room and sat on my bench. 

"When she visits her home in Kentucky, she's relaxed and smiles more often." He said.

"She has struggled quite a bit about Cassidy over the years, I can tell," I said. 

"She truly believed Cass would walk through those doors with her grandchild any day now. Actually, I thought I would see her again someday, too."

"I wish I could have brought better news," I said as I stood with my pajamas in my hand.

"I'm sorry, I should let you get some sleep." He stood up.  "If you need anything at all, just pick up the phone and someone will assist you.  I will see you in the morning, and thanks again for finding us."

"You're welcome, Goodnight, Blaine."

"Goodnight, Cora."

That's the very first time anyone in this house used my first name.

He shut the door behind him, and I went to my bathroom to change in case he decided to be a chatterbox again and come back.  When I walked out, I quickly locked my door and climbed up in the huge soft bed that welcomed me. 

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