Percabeth Wedding

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I had wanted to go into this cool and collected. It's what people expected, wasn't it? For me to be happy and excited, ready to start my new life with Annabeth, something I'd been wanting to do since I was 12 years old. Really, this was a day long overdue. I should have been standing around passing time laughing with the guys, avoiding Athena and Annabeth's dad and checking yet again if Grover had the ring.

It's what you would expect from a groom on his wedding day, right? To be charming and patient. It's what you saw on the movies. The bride would be the one freaking out, crying so much she needed her makeup and hairdo redone while the groom just stood at the altar waiting to catch that first glimpse of his bride.

Deep breath. Maybe I should start this from the beginning.

Hi. My name is Percy Jackson and I'm 24 years old. Until recently I was Annabeth's Chase's boyfriend.

Am I a troubled guy?

Yeah, you could say that.

See, today was supposed to be the biggest, most extravagant, romantic, happiest day of my life. I had recently changed my title from being Annabeth's boyfriend to being her fiancee and until this morning I really couldn't have been happier.

Seriously. Most guys will tell you that the months leading up to the actual wedding are hectic, much worse than the wedding itself. (At least that's what my cousin, Jason Grace, told me.) They hate having to pick out color schemes, the first dance song and how the invitations are set up. Men hate the cake tastings and tuxedo fittings and deciding whether to have salmon or chicken as a main course.

Most of all, they hate how absolutely distraught/crazy (don't tell Annabeth I said that) the brides get.

Had I woken up at 3:47 am to find Annabeth poring over wedding gown styles under lamplight at our kitchen table? Sure. Had she snapped at her employees at her building design company? Of course.

But I hadn't minded. I understood because I had kind of felt the same way. It was a big deal, promising to love and be with somebody for the rest of your life. And we couldn't help but be impatient because, well... we were excited.

Besides, I had always been able to calm her down. A foot massage here or there because they hurt from walking around in dress shops all day? No problem. A cup of tea to soothe her sore throat because she had been screaming with Thalia after asking the girl to be her maid of honor? Took less than 5 minutes to make.

It was all worth it and it was all okay, because I knew Annabeth was doing all of it to make the big day, our big day, absolutely perfect. To make it everything both of us had ever wanted.

Besides, the candlelit bubble baths Annabeth always took to relax were... well, I'll just say, both of us appreciated them.

Even though I didn't have much input on the decisions- I wasn't really all that bothered- I was there to help Annabeth with them all when she needed it. But I knew her, and I knew she liked to make most of the decisions herself anyway. She knew what I liked and what I wanted. I trusted her to do whatever she thought was best.

And if it didn't end up being a perfect day, I still wouldn't care, because one way or another by the end of it all Annabeth would be my wife; and no matter what, the day that became official would be the best of my life.

So yeah, the weeks leading up to our wedding may not have been the most easy going and relaxed we'd ever had, but I didn't mind them. Every night Annabeth would (eventually) slip into our bed and I would wake up next to her every morning, counting down the days.

Even after her bachelorette party and my bachelor party things went smoothly. I didn't know all of the details of what happened to her that night- Thalia kept everything a big secret- but I did know that Piper had promised I would eventually see the results of their excursion and would definitely appreciate it.

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