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My girlfriend is crazy. I love her and all but I think she's crazy. She's taking Jason, Piper, and I camping! Camping! I don't camp! I've been once or twice but I never liked the idea of it.

Yeah, yeah, I know. But Percy, don't you stay at a camp? You all ask. Yeah I do but I'm not getting eaten alive by bugs,<Like I am right now> hiking a thousand miles up a step mountain side, and sleeping in a small tent. Now I have to go camping in the White Mountains.

Great. I think I'll call up one of the many, many, many monsters or any Greek/Roman mythology person that hates me and have them kill me. Like I said, I DON'T camp! I was never a Boy Scout and never want to be one.

"Perce. Percy! Perseus!" My lovely girlfriend, Annabeth shakes my shoulder.

"What?" I ask sleepily.

"We're here you idiot." Annabeth smiles at me and punches me FOR NO APPARENT REASON!

I almost fall out of my seat. My girlfriend can really pack a punch.

"Ow! What was that for?" I ask and message my shoulder blade.

"To get you awake. Jason and Piper are already waiting for us. Let's go."

Annabeth helps me out of the car and hands me a pack that's bigger then me.

"I have to wear this?!" I gaps at it.

"Yeah. Now let's go. We got to make the site by night." Annabeth shoulders her pack. "Come on. It'll be fun!" She locks the car and heads over to Jason and Piper.

"What happened to a date to the movies?" I grumble and lift the pack onto my shoulders.

As it turns out, Jason was just as happy as camping as I was. We grumbled as we started up the trail while the girls laughed, giggled, and talked faster then I could speak.

Annabeth refused to let me use my water to make anything that could help me and Piper refused to let Jason fly. Who know they liked camping so much. It must be a girl thing.

I guess you could say hiking wasn't that bad. By mid-day, Jason and Piper were trailing behind me talking and probably kissing, I mean come on, Piper is an Aphrodite kid.

Annabeth and I held hands and I listened to Annabeth drown on about New Hampshire and its long history. I wanted to talk about anything else but I didn't want to be boyfriend roadkill.

After another 6 hours of sweating, hiking, and me knowing more facts about the white mountains and New Hampshire combined, we made it to the site.

It wasn't even much of a site. It was just a tiny piece of leveled land with a picnic table.

Jason and I plops our selfs down and slump down into out packs.
"Worst date ever." Jason says and sighs while messaging his aching shoulders.

"It's not that bad. It's just so tiring!" I say and sigh and wipe my forehead.

Piper and Annabeth frown down at us as soon as we sit down.

"Come on!" Annabeth grabs my hand and pulls me up. "You and Jason are going to pitch our tents."

"Pitch what? Where would we find a tent?" I ask.

"In your bag idiot! Set up while Piper and I cook." Annabeth kisses my cheek and starts to pull a grill out of her pack.

"I would get to it." Annabeth flicks her finger to Jason then to my bag. She walks away with Piper and they place the grill with other materials on the picnic table, chattering away and laughing.

Jason walks over to me and frowns. "Know how to pitch a tent?"

"Nope!" I cringe after I say it. I'm not truly a man as true men know how to pitch a tent.

We both groan and stare at the mess of a tent.
One broken thumb, a black eye, and some help later, the tents were pitched.

Piper and Annabeth after finishing our tent invited us for dinner. Well if you call it dinner. It was just water, chicken the was not even blue! some strawberries, and salad.

The girls cleaned the dishes while we men, meaning Jason and I, tried to make a very manly fire.

It was pitch black and we were too lazy to get a flashlights. It went well.

After almost stabbing Jason's eye, the girls decided to call it a night. Piper and Annabeth were trying not to laugh at the heap of twigs and logs that were our fire.

We said our goodnights and Piper and Jason head to one tent while Annabeth and I headed to the other.

"How do you do this for fun?" I tell Annabeth as we lay in the tent that I, actually Annabeth, made.

"I dunno." She answers and slides into my sleeping bag. Her body felt freezing against mine. I try not to shiver.

"You know you have your own-" I start but she cut me off with a kiss. I didn't mind and rapped my arm around her hip.

"We don't need to wake the entire ecosystem." She replays and snuggles into me. She was still freezing and I really wanted to get her a blanket.

"Guess what?" She says before we fall asleep. She was using my chest as a pillow, which was probably very comfy for her, not for me. But I love her too much to complain.

"We get to do this all over again tomorrow." She smiles and closes her eyes.

"Urge!" I groan. Pry for me, Dad. I think before I fall asleep.

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