Addicted to a You Punk Percy/Girly Annabeth

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A/N This is not my Work. This is by somethingmorecreative on Punk Percy/Girly Annabeth. 

Percy had a splitting headache when he woke up. The light hurt his eyes when he blinked. He let out a groan.

And it's no wonder really. He had way too many beers last night. He wasn't really positive how he got home, but since he was curled up in his sheets, it really didn't matter right now. Percy pulled the sheets up to cover his shoulders and rolled over onto his stomach.

He eyes snapped open despite the throbbing behind his sinuses when he bumped into something.

No. Not something. Somebody.

Percy looked up slowly, like the person beside him would disappear if he thought about them. He saw a head full of blonde curls, but her tan shoulders and arms were buried under his blue comforter. She was turned away from him, but he realized that her legs were tangled with his.

He recognized those curls. He stared at them every day in his history class.

There was no fucking way.

Annabeth Chase was one of the most popular girls at his school. She was also the smartest and not to mention the most intimidating. She wore skirts and dresses every day to school with heels and this red lipstick that Percy stared at continuously. Even though she looked like a walking sin, she was one of the nicest girls that Percy had ever met. They had known each other since grade school, but when Percy got into music and joined his band and stuff, they didn't talk that much. Which, that was probably normal. Why would a girl like Annabeth want to be seen talking to a guy like Percy? A guy that wore black band t-shirts and skinny jeans with beat up converse? They didn't even remotely fall into the same universe, but Percy didn't blame Annabeth for that.

So what the hell was she doing in his bed?

Last night, Jason had dragged Percy to a party that one of the guys on the football team was throwing. Jason had been really into this girl named Piper, and she had insisted that Jason come to the party. Since Percy was a great friend, he tagged along so Jason wouldn't look like a doofus. Of course, Jason owed Percy dinner now because he had hooked up with the girl and left him there by himself. After a few beers, Percy had ran into Annabeth and—oh.

He vaguely remembered making out with her outside before she had asked him if his mom was home. Luck had been on his side because his mom had gone out of town for a meeting this weekend. When he told Annabeth that, she had smiled and pulled his keys out of his pocket, claiming that he had had too much to drink to drive them home. And... maybe there was something about pressing her up against the wall and kissing her until neither of them could breathe? Maybe he had rucked her skirt up around her hips, and maybe she had slid his zipper down and worked her hand into his jeans? And then—

Percy couldn't help the grin that slipped onto his face. Yeah. Stuff from last night was coming back. Annabeth was a great kisser.

But what was she going to say when she woke up?

To Percy's knowledge, Annabeth had never been one to do impulsive things. She always walked the line, and she always looked great while she did it. How was she going to feel when she realized that she had just slept with someone like him?

He decided to worry about it later. Right now, Annabeth was snoozing peacefully, and Percy hooked his arm around her waist and pressed his face in between her shoulder blades. She sighed happily, and Percy listened to her breathing until he drifted back to sleep.


When he woke up the next time, there was something tracing across his back.

He slit his eyes open, but the only thing he could see was Annabeth's bare skin. After a few seconds he realized that she had turned around, and now his head was resting on her chest. His arm was still hanging around her waist. She had one of her arms around his back, tracing circles on his skin. Her other hand was in his hair, scratching his scalp with her fingers.

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