Character Ask! -2

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E: Hello and welcome back to the second part of the Character ask! Let us dive right in! And we start with Shawn Mendes!

*Shawn walks in and sits down*

E: *smiles* Hi.

S: *smiles back* Hey, how are you?

E: I'm good, very good. Shall we beginn? There are only three questions, but you got some.

S: Yea, let's do this.

E: Sabri_porras asks; How is everything with Niall? And; Do you punish him?

S: *chuckles* It's going good. He accepts everything more and more every day and yes, I do punish him. Quite often actually. But that's the only way he will learn.

E: theemopotatolol asks; Do you like pp or bootyhole?

S: I like to ram my pp into a blond's head bootyhole, if you know what I mean. *winks*

E: *wide eyed* Poor leprechaun... *shakes head* Thanks, Shawn, for your time. Would you be so kind and send in Luke Hemmings?

S: *gets up and nods* Will do. *walks off stage*

*Luke walks on stage and sits down, saying hi*

E: Hello Luke. We have a few questions for you.

L: *smiles* Great! Let's hear them!

E:*clears throat* Okay, 98lilydirectioner98 aks; Where are Mikey and cal?

L: They live across from us. With Zayn and Liam. They are doing good.

E: *mumbles* I think I should bring them up soon, huh?

L: *frowns* What?

E: *wide eyed* What?

*both stare at each other for a moment*

E: *scratches back of neck* Let's continue! rainbow28beaches wants to know; Why do you look so perfect standing there with an American apparel underwear?

L: *raises eyebrow* Uh... Are you stalking me? Should we call the police?

E: No, it's okay. All good. *smiles innocently* Let's just continue, okay?

L: *narrows eyes* Okay.

E: larry_tomlinson1 asks; Would you consider Ashton as your soulmate?

L: *smiles fondly* Something like that, yes. I love him very much.

E: *cooes* So cute. *sighs* I want love too *wipes away fake tear and sniffels* Anyways! larry_tomlinson1 is asking; What's your favorite kink?

L: *smirks* That's for me to know and for you never to find out. *winks*

E: Okay! Thank you so much for your time, Luke. This was the last question. Please send Ashton in, okay?

L: *gets up smiling* No problem, and I'll send him right in. *waves as he leaves stage*

*Ashton enters stage smiling and sits down*

E: *smiles* Hi Ashton. Thanks for being here. I have a few questions for you.

A: *smiles* Thanks for having me! Then I think we should start, huh?

E: Yes, indeed. First question is from 98lilydirectioner98; How do you feel about Luke??

A: *smiles dreamily* I love him.

E: *pouts and cooes* Naw... Isn't love great? *sighs* rainbow28beaches asks; I love your name. And now an actual question; How much do you love Luke?; How often do you "it" with Luke? And finally; Are u very kinky?

Birmingham Disciplinary School for Male - L.S.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें