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It's been two week since the whole Niall thing happened. The three boys finished their assignment and presented it in class - they got a B. Niall also got a new dominant, because his last one didn't feel as if he'd be able to tame Niall. His new dominant - Shawn - is way more strict and Niall actually seems to be more calm now.

Harry and Louis are doing pretty good. Of course there are a few times when Harry isn't listening to Louis or snaps at the older man or is sassy towards Louis. But it's all managed with a simple punishment. Louis started to tell Harry to write down what's bothering him when he feels like there is something. It's hard for Harry to talk about it, but writing is good. It's easier for the submissive. He never goes into detail when he writes it, but he slowly opens up. Still not a lot, but a little. Most of the time it's about small things.

Right now it's the middle of history class and Harry just asked if he could be excused to the toilets and is now walking down the hallway.

But he walks right past the toilets and out of the building. He walks along the wall until he is behind the school building. The curly haired boy glances around before pulling a white rectangular box out of his waistband of his trousers.

He pulls the white orange stick out of it, placing it between his lips. Harry also takes out a transparent blue lighter, flicking it on. He moves the flame to the white end of the cancer stick and lightens it.

The green eyes close as he leans against the brick wall with a sight, letting out the smoke. He really fucking missed it and doesn't know how the fuck he managed to go without smoking for over two fucking weeks.

That were a lot of fucks, but it's true.

Harry slowly opens his eyes, tilting his head back and looking into the cloudy sky. It probably will rain sooner or later. But he doesn't care. He is calm as his lungs are filled with the familiar burn of nicotine.

But then his relaxation is gone.

"What are you doing?"

The cigarette drops to the ground and Harry stomps it out, staring wide eyed at the person in front of him.

"You know that I know that Louis does not want you smoking."

Harry rolls his eyes. "What he doesn't know--"

"Why do you think he won't know?"

The submissive looks at the other person for a moment. "Sally, you won't tell him, will you?" he asks nervously, stepping closer to the woman.

Sally holds out her hand with a raised eyebrow. With a scowl Harry places the pack of cigarettes in her hand.

She flexes her finger a few times and with a groan Harry places the lighter in her hands as well.

"We will speak after school. Together with Louis." she says serious.

"Can't you just... forget it? Louis doesn't need to know that." Harry says.

The woman sighs. "You know I can't do this. I know Louis for a long time now and I know that you know that trust is the biggest thing for Louis. If I let it go, you won't tell him and one way or another it'll come out and Louis will be crushed. He might looks tough and he truly is a stong person, but not when it comes to you. You are his weakness." the nurse explains calmly. "It'll crush him that you went behind his back with this." She waves the cigarette pack in front of Harry's eyes. "It'll crush him even more when he finds out by anyone else but you."

Sally doesn't say more. She gives the boy a meaningful look before turning around and leaving.

"After classes, the usual room." she says and then turns the corner.

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