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Harry went to lay down after they had dinner together with Luke and Ashton. He didn't feel that well and hoped he can sleep a little. Even though the green eyed boy did fall asleep, he woke up not that long after because of a nightmare he knows all too well.

He tries to fall back asleep, but after he turned and changed positions a thousand times he is still awake. The green eyes open again staring at the ceiling for a while before he turns to his phone. It's on the nightstand charging as he takes it and turns it on to see the time.


Louis should be still awake and Harry just feels this urge to go to him.

So he gets up and leaves his room. He closes the door behind him and thinks for a second. Voices come from downstairs, so maybe he is there talking to Luke and Ashton.

Harry walks down the stairs and into the living room where only Luke and Ashton are.

"Where is Louis?" he asks them, not fully walking inside, because he will leave anyways. Even if Louis is visiting Zayn or something like that he will just go back to his room.

Luke turns to look at him with a smile. "In his room doing homework or something like that." the dominant answers.

"Thank you." Harry says and leaves again.

He goes back upstairs and past his room. Without another thought he knocks at the door. After Louis' permission he enters.

The dominant sits on his bed, back against the headrest as he reads a book. He places it upside down on the mattress next to him as he sees Harry entering.

"You don't have to knock before coming in, love." he says and sits up while Harry closes the door.

The submissive bites his lip as he stands there in front of the door.

Louis pats the spot next to him and Harry makes his way over there, sitting down next to Louis. "What is it. I thought you wanted to sleep a little." he wonders concerned.

"I did sleep." Harry says, looking at his knees. "But then I woke up and wasn't able to fall back asleep." he explains quietly as the nightmare fights it's way back into his head.

Louis frowns. "Bad dream?" Harry nods. "You wanna talk about it?" Harry shakes his head.

"No, I just..." he takes a breath. "I just don't wanna be alone." he admits quietly.

Louis gives the boy a sad smile. "Do you wanna talk about anything? To get your mind off of the dream?" he asks while scanning the smaller and younger boys facial features.

Harry bites his lip and shakes his head again. "Can I just, uhm," he frowns as he tries to find the courage to actually ask it. "Can I just lay here and try to sleep again?" he brings out quietly. He says it so quiet he thinks Louis might didn't hear him.

But would Harry look up he would see the fond smile on the dominants face. "Sure, Harry. You don't need to ask." he assures his submissive.

Harry looks at Louis as he scoots back to lean against the headboard once again. The blue eyed dominant takes his book before looking at Harry with a smile. He nods towards the free space next to him and Harry - after slight hesitation - crawls there and lays down.

The sub pulls the blanket up and curls into a ball looking at the opposite wall. He tries to think about nothing, but his thoughts go back to the talk Louis and him had with Sally.

"Louis?" Harry asks quietly. As an answer he gets a hum from his dominant. "What would you do different if I'd have known all along about BDSM and all of this?" he asks curiously, now looking up at Louis.

The blue eyed boy sighs and puts his book away once again. His eyes find Harry's. "Why do you wanna know that?" he asks slightly confused.

Harry shrugs. "You want to show me what this lifestyle is, right?" Louis nods. "And if you like... I don't know, when you cut a lot of rules and when you're not that strict with me, isn't it like, uh, like false advertisement? Like when you say there will be cake, but you don't tell me I have to run ten miles and do a hundred push ups to get it. Am I making sense? I don't think so. Forget it, I just rambled stupidly and it--"

"Hey." Louis interrupts Harry's very adorable rambling. He smiles at the blushing sub, who doesn't meet his eyes.

The dominant sits up and crosses his legs so he is fully facing Harry. The sub sits up as well, but leans his back against the headboard of the bed.

"You're right, it kinda is false advertisement, isn't it?" Louis chuckles, making Harry blush even more. "But I don't wanna scare you off, Harry. I told you before, I wanna ease you into this and not throw you into the pool of sharks. When I feel like it is good to get a little more strict, I will do just that. And if I think we might need a new rule, I will talk to you about it." Louis explains.

Harry then looks up with a frown on his beautiful face. "But I feel like you have to go out of your usual way to just make me feel good."

Louis smiles. "But that's the point. You should feel good. Good about yourself and what is going on here. And I don't suffer because of that." He tilts his head as he sees Harry's look. "Did you think I suffer because I step back a little so you are comfortable?" he asks.

Harry nods and Louis just barely stops himself from cooeing at him.

"Since when did you feel like this?" he wants to know on a more serious note.

Harry plays with the hem of his shirt he wears to sleep, looking at it. "The talk with Sally? As you told her that you don't punish me as you usually would and with the whole sir thing." he admits.

The blue eyed boy sighs. "Don't worry about it, love. It's all fine by me or I would say something or act differently from how I act now."

"But what if- what if I want you to be more strict?" Harry whispers, not making eye contact.

"Do you want that?" Louis wants to know with a tilt of his head. "Because if you want to try anything, you just have to tell me and we'll talk about it."

Harry frowns before slowly shaking his head, but at the same time he is shrugging. He then looks up. "I don't know." he breathes out, searching Louis' eyes for answers.

The dom takes a deep breath. "How about that" he starts. "You gonna start calling me sir again. I officially change the rule from you not speaking to you always answering me verbally again. Personally, I prefer when I know my sub will talk when he has any issues and not has to get my attention and permission first." He then smirks. "And I like your voice, so I don't wanna miss that."

He chuckles as Harry blushes and turns his head sideways to try and hide it. It has no luck.

Louis chuckles at that. "So adorable." he mumbles barely audible. "Is that okay with you?" he asks with normal volume just to make sure.

Harry doesn't look at Louis and just nods. His head snaps to Louis as he clears his throat, an expecting eyebrow is raised at him.

The submissive frowns for a moment before he realises. "Oh, uhm, yes, sir. I'm fine with it." he says and gets a smile from Louis.

Louis moves to get comfortable again. "Good boy." he says, keeping eye contact with Harry for a moment. He then takes his book again and continues reading.

Harry looks at Louis for a moment, watching his eyes move over the pages and his eyelashes gently brushing over his cheekbones whenever he blinks. He then sighs and lays back down. His eyes close immediately and he feels sleep taking over his body very quickly.

Louis smiles to himself as half asleep Harry moves closer to Louis' body and cuddles up to him. The dominant's left hand finds his way into Harry's curls and gently messages the submissives scalp.

If it was his choice, he would choose to stay like this for at least 50 years, preferably more.


What do you guys wanna see in this story? Comment or send me a dm. I'm open for requests😊

Love y'all💕

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