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Huge thank you to BentheVanDerSnee who told me a little bit about dyslexia. If you see anything that makes no sense for someone who is dyslexic, please do tell me and how I can correct it.

Now enjoy, love you all💕

(Hehe, that rhymed😝)



It took Harry nearly an hour to finish those lines, what made Louis slightly concerned, because he though he might need 30 minutes, 45 at most. But around an hour later Harry walks into the living room, where Louis is watching some cartoon. He immediately turns it off as he hears his submissive step into the room.

"C'mon, sit down." he says while patting the spot next to him.

Just as Harry sits down and gives Louis his paper, the front door opens and Luke and Ashton enter. "Hey, can you help us real quick?" Luke asks as they carry the groceries inside.

Louis places the paper on the coffe table before he goes and helps his friends, Harry right on his heels.

"Hey, Harry." Luke says while putting away milk. "Is your mum coming this weekend?" he asks curious.

"Uhm..." Harry looks confused to Louis, hoping for some help.

So Louis jumps in. "We haven't had time to talk about it yet. We will after we finished this and I looked over his sentences." he explains the other dominant.

"Oh, right. If you want you can do it now. I think three people are enough to get this all sorted out." Luke says, smiling at Louis.

The younger dom smiles. "Yea, it won't take long." He puts away the cereal he just grabbed before turning to leave. But before he steps outside the kitchen he looks at Harry. "I get you in a minute and then we talk about the weekend."

Harry nods understanding. "Yes, sir." he agrees and Louis walks back into the living room.

He sits down at the couch and takes the piece of paper. On the first glance all seems fine, but then he notices something weird. There are a few spelling mistakes. He forgot the e in allowed twice and in five other sentences the second l, he wrote good as god three times, not as nod, to as too, my with an i. Louis frowns at that. The sentence is written correctly a few times and Harry didn't make the impression he wanted to annoy Louis by spelling things wrong on purpose.

The dom things immediately about one of his sisters, Daisy. The twin has dyslexia and those are mistakes he saw a lot while helping her with homework. But Harry would have told him he is dyslexic and so would the school, right?

"We are finished, Louis." Harry says as he enters the living room. He stands in the doorway, not sure if they gonna talk here or somewhere private.

Louis smiles as he folds the paper in half and places it on the table. He pats the spot next to him and Harry sits down next to him. The dominant is not going to say anything about Harry not addressing him correctly. He doesn't mind it as long as he calls him sir in public. In private he is fine with being called Louis.

"So what's this weekend?" Harry asks. He knows that their parents are supposed to be coming, because Liam told him that. The green eyed boy just isn't a hundred percent sure why.

"Well," Louis starts. "The first weekend of the new school year the parents of the new paired up doms and subs can come and visit their sons. To see how they like it and what not." he explains. "My parents will most definitely come, but it's up to you if you wanna meet them. They gonna meet up with friends anyways so they don't have stop by." Louis tells him. "You can decide if you want your mother to come. It's all up to you."

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