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So just fyi, I'm gonna change that Harry is smaller than Louis from here on. It's just more adorable for the end of this chapter and more over☺

Love y'all💕



Louis is sitting in his class, taking notes as the teacher talks about how to properly take care for your submissive when he dropped into subspace. They already talked about it, but now they going through it more detailed, because now they have their own subs and this could happen.

Louis never went into subspace as he was a submissive for the first year. He and his assigned dominant had a good relationship, but Louis just didn't trust him enough to drop after a scene. And he doesn't really enjoy to bottom.

Just as the blue eyed boy writes something down the teacher said, there is a clicking sound before an announcement is made through the speaker.

"Louis Tomlinson please get your submissive from room 103. Louis Tomlinson to room 103."

Louis looks at Zayn with a frown before standing up. He excuses himself and walks down the hallway to the stairs, he goes down the stairs and to the room close to the front entrance.

Already from afar he sees Harry standing outside the room, arms crossed and glaring at the wall opposite to him. His teacher is standing next to him, looking down the hallway. As he spots Louis walking towards them, he turns to fully face the dominant.

"Is he your submissive?" Mr. Walder asks making the younger dominant roll his eyes. Didn't he hear the announcment?

Louis stops in front of him, throwing a quick look towards Harry, making sure he is not hurt in any physical way. Then he looks back to the older man. "Yes, he is. What's the problem?"

"Mr. Styles shows no respect towards me, he yelled at me and he can't even kneel properly. He can be happy that I'm not his dominant or he would've gotten a beating in front of the class."

Louis glares at the man. "Is that all?" he asks, clearly angry.

"Yes. Get him out of here. Such a useless sub." Mr. Walder says as he goes back into the classroom. Even though the last part was said quietly, Harry and Louis heard it anyway.

Louis runs a hand through his hair and takes a deep breath, trying to calm down. "What happened?" Louis asks, still sounding angry.

"I told you I'm not good at this!" Harry exclaims, while throwing his hands up. "He's right, I'm useless." he mumbles.

Louis places two firm hands on the boys shoulder, glaring at him. "I never want to hear you talk about yourself like that." he says stern. "Understood?"

Harry nods, adding a "Yes, sir." at Louis' raised eyebrow. He looks down at the floor to avoid the dominants gaze.

"It's your first day, Harry." Louis says with a sigh. "That you don't know how to kneel properly is my fault. I should've shown you yesterday. Now tell me what happened. And look at me while talking."

Harry looks up. Better get it over with. "He told us to kneel and look down, so I did. After a while I got uncomfortable and my knees and ankle started to hurt. I wanted to look how the others are kneeling and he saw me looking up. He started to yell at me for disobeying, then I yelled back that I didn't know how to kneel and he proceeded to yell that I am disrespectful and I yelled back that it's not my fault and now we're here." Harry explains quick, arms crossed.

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