Part 16

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"But, they did not hold up to that promise, as evidence of you three. I am truly sorry for the situation I have put on you."

Rose sighed once again and her expression changed. She looked remorseful and almost guilt-ridden. Her voice showed it too.

"Would you forgive me and still like to stay with me?"

Ivy, Evan, and Mary looked at each other in surprise. With the time they had spent with Rose, she never acted with this amount of sincerity.

Ivy nodded her head at Rose

"Well, I forgive you."

Evan and Mary nodded their heads as well at the statement. Rose's face turned back to her normal smiling expression.

"Thank you. Now, I don't want to put you in any more danger, so you three can go back home."

Rose turned her head to the other pokemon in the room.

"Cottonee? Vanillite? Yamask? Could you come here please?"

The three pokemon came to Rose and awaited for what she had to say.

"Can you three escort our friends home? I do believe that you know the way home and I want you to protect our friends."

Rose reached into a pocket on her dress and pulled something out. It was a small copper key with a metal ring through the handle. The Yamask was the one to grab it while the cottonee and vanillite were already floating towards the door.

"I might be here for a while, explaining and questioning King. Though I do not expect King to act threateningly, I still want the audino to be around. But please, I will be home before sundown."

Rose crouched down to look Ivy in the eyes.

"If you do get hungry, let cottonee know. She can get something for you. Now, you can be on your way."

Ivy nodded and turned to her friends. They looked a little out of it, but otherwise, they seemed fine. Mary let out a tired laugh, reflecting her fatigue.

"Well, I don't think I'm having any more cake for a while."

Evan and Ivy chuckled a bit.

"I don't think I'll be having any either," Ivy responded.

"What?" Evan half asked-exclaimed. "You didn't have nearly as much as we did!"

"Yeah, but still. I think I'm all caked out, both from eating it and seeing what it can do."

"Well, we can just take it easy for now, right?" Mary asked.

"Mhm, I think you guys should," Ivy replied

The three pokemon walked out of the kitchen, all three holding hands and smiles on their faces.

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