Chapter 52 (worries)

Start from the beginning

"Had ours." Cam corrected him.

I knew it. Everything is going to go wrong today and me and Taylor aren't going to get married.

Taylor's POV

So far today has been a total disaster. We fell asleep and now have only have about a hour until the wedding. We can't find our clothes and Shawn is stressed. And when Shawn is stressed I get stressed and then everyone else gets stressed.

We don't have our phones and are basically naked in a park. Great.

"Boys where are your clothes?" My mom asked.

"Lost somewhere in the Pacific ocean." Shawn said over dramatically.

His mom gave him a confused look and then looked at me.

"We lost our tuxedos." I told her.

"You have one hour till the wedding. We need to find them."

Shawn gave her a no duh look and I slapped him in the arm. He looked at me and rolled his eyes.

"Guys please tell us we aren't late." Matt, Carter, Jack and Jack said running up to us with all the others.

"Nope." I told him.

"Why are you guys like naked?" Carter asked.

"It's a nude wedding." I said with a straight face.

"I'm down." Matt said starting to strip.

"Oh my god he was kidding!" Shawn yelled covering his eyes.

Matt laughed and said that Carter was the only one allowed to see him naked.

"So why are you naked then?" Carter asked again.

"We lost our tuxedos." I told them.

"ADVENTURE TIME!!!" Jack and Jack yelled at the same time.

I looked at Shawn and shrugged. He smiled and nodded his head.

"ADVENTURE TIME!!" We all yelled.

"But we don't have clothes." Shawn pointed out.

"So what it's not like anyone is going to see you two here again. Just go in your towels." Matt said.

We agreed and started walking around looking for a map of the city hoping to find a cab service.

We all went into different stores and asked around. Me and Shawn definitely got some weird looks and got kicked out of a few shops. Some people stopped us and grabbed a pic or two.

"Guys I found one!" Carter yelled.

"Where is it?" I asked.

"Just down the street."

We all started running down the street, me and Shawn holding onto our towels.

We walked i to the shop and asked if our the cab that drove us to the hotel was here and luckily it was.

We asked if we could check for our clothes and the lady let us into it. There on the back seat were our tuxedos.

"Thank god!!" Shawn yelled grabbing them.

I looked at my watch and saw that we had only 20 minutes left till the wedding. I went into the back seat and made sure to grab my bandana.

We all raced back to the hotel and changed in the lobby. We made sure no one was there obviously.

I tied on my bandana and helped Shawn with his tie before racing back to the park.

"Just in time." Shawn's mom said pushing my up onto the stand.

The music started playing and Shawn started walking down the isle of tie-dyed roses. He looked so beautiful.

Once he got up on the stand with me the priest looked at us.

"Taylor do you take Shawn Mendes as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer" blah blah blah... You know it.

"I do." I smiled.

"And Shawn do you take Taylor Caniff as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worst, for richer or for poorer."

"I do." He smiled back at me.

"You may now say your vows."

"Tay I knew you were the one ever since I laid my eyes on you at that snack table. I remember seeing your bright green bandana and tie-dyed shirt. You really did stick out. Me and you have been through a lot. All the drama with people and the stupid accidents we both have made. I didn't think we would make it this far but we did and I'm nothing but grateful. You are so funny and you are always there for me when I need you. I love you so much and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you." He said smiling.

"Shawn the first time I saw you I knew you were special. The way your eyes sparkled when you smiled gave me butterflies as soon as I met you. I knew you were the one. You have the voice and everything of a angel and I just love everything about you. The way you put up with all my bandana shopping and just me in general is absolutely amazing. You are one of the most loyal and trustworthy people I know. I know in the future when we adopt our first kid he or she is going to grow up just like you. Perfect. I love you so much and I can tell our future is bright." I smiled.

"You may now present the rings."

I reached into my pocket and grabbed Shawn's ring. Shawn did the same. We each placed our rings on each others fingers and smiled.

"I know pronounced you husband and husband. You may kiss your groom." The priest said.

I leaned in and placed a passionate kiss onto Shawn's lips. It's finally done. I can now call Shawn my husband and I couldn't be happier.

"I love you Taylor."

"I love you Shawn."
Heyy guys how are you?

Sorry if the chapter sucked it has been a really sucky few days but I wanted to update because you guys make me happy.

QOTD- what has been your favourite movie out of 2014 so far?



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