10 〄 The Dangerous One

Start from the beginning

Irene blinked, searching her thoughts for an explanation as to how she got into this mess.

The memory flooded back to her, the jabbing pain and the sudden tiredness. She gulped as the realization of what had happened dawned on her. Had the Ascendant hired that beady-eyed freak to kidnap her?

She vaguely remembered some sort of purple-black being approaching her, asking if she spoke Icoburi but nothing else about his appearance stood out. In fact, she didn't even remember seeing any eyes. Could the purple being the same as the being who had tried carrying her earlier? 

Her eyes squinted. No, they appeared to be helpful, too nice for a Celest.

Any ideas? She asked the goddess though not really knowing what she was expecting. The deity unfurled slightly from her ball just enough to snarl at Irene.

I felt as bad as you looked.

I couldn't have looked that bad. The Wikev countered, hoping she was correct. She had only been on drugs twice, neither purposefully or ending well.

You drooled.

Irene winced. At least she was consistent, she figured. A breeze teased at her clothes, a simple tunic and loose-fitting pants, both a dark brown.

"I will come for you once they are done. Meanwhile, rest."

The Wikev nodded, unsure what to think. She slid down in the bed as the Interstellar exited the room. To do what, she didn't know. The emptiness left plenty of room for thoughts—thoughts of her leaving Asa, thoughts of her being shunned by Terrik and the rest of the tribe, thoughts of being alone for the rest of her days. And, in this room, that's exactly what she felt:

Terribly and utterly alone.

The pulsating, rainbow lights outside the window grew dimmer as each moment passed

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The pulsating, rainbow lights outside the window grew dimmer as each moment passed. She supposed they were what told day and night despite not knowing exactly what they were. Enigmatic, opaque, and captivating, they had entertained her for the past hour or more. 

To be honest, Irene had no clue how time worked here. Were there hours, minutes, seconds? That and many follow up questions filled her brain while watching the light show. The medic, who she learned was named Talvec after a few check ins, appeared in the doorway once more.

"Vishnear is finished with his meeting if you would still like to talk with him," she announced.

"Vishnear?" Irene half asked and half commented, her mind still spiraling inside itself.

"The Ascendant."

How was she supposed to know that? The Wikev heaved sigh. Admittedly, she still felt terrible but she wanted to know what this Celest wanted with her more than anything. Without a word, she got up and followed the medic down the hall.

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