1 | Just another win

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Jeno clears his throat, "actually, we'd like a recess."

The judge nods, "fifteen minutes", and the gavel hits the sound block.

Mae Hyo sighs, "how'd I do?"

Jaemin unscrews a water bottle, "you're doing great, so far" he says.

"you find anything on him? anything at all?" Mae Hyo asks.

Jaemin looks at the girl, confused, "why? you're doing fine, and we have enough evidence to incriminate him."

Mae Hyo shakes her head, "Jeno held back. That means he's going to pull something that'll throw out my cross-examination" 

Jaemin nods, "Ill find something out"

"you absolute idiot, you should've just shut your mouth and said yes or no, whyd you have to bring out something totally new?" Jeno says through his teeth in annoyance; he was bent down towards his client to intimidate him even more.

"She makes me nervous. I don't know, okay?"

Renjun chuckles, "that's the first truth you've told today"

"Find anything yet? anything to support his case?" Jeno asks, sitting next to Renjun, turning pages in desperation.

"here, we can use this, it's not a violent injury, but it is an injury," Renjun says, showing a picture of multiple scratches on the back of his neck.

"how'd you get hurt like this?" Jeno asks his client.


Jeno internally groans; he aggressively slams his, well, Renjun's laptop shut, "I'm so losing this case."

He puts his head down, shifting his eyes towards the girl sitting a few inches away, only to find her looking at him first.

Mae Hyo smiles, winking at him; she knows how to goad Jeno in all the right spots.

Jeno looks away, scoffing at himself mostly.

The gavel once again hits the sound block, and everyone stands at this.

"My client had just confessed of his abuse that the deceased girlfriend inflicted, so we can classify this as self defense" Jeno says as he connects his laptop to the HDMI cable of the court.

"objection, there was no imminent danger to Mr.Ki, proving this was premeditated."


Jeno nods, "fine, I have evidence."

Mae Hyo stands up again, "Objection, I find the timing very convenient, and this wasn't submitted into the records."

"I agree with Ms Bae" Judge says.

"Your honor, this information has just been told to me by my client, so no, I did not have time to show it to Ms.Bae"

The judge nods, "I'll allow it" 

"your honor, please" Mae Hyo says, pointing at Jeno.

"this is our final trial, Ms.Bae, I will allow it"

"This was the severe injury on my client that his girlfriend did upon one of their arguments," Jeno says, displaying the picture on the projector.

"this murder, was only self defense, he had no other motive. He was sick of his girlfriend, that lead him to cheat on her, she was abusive. I rest my case" 

"so you'll kill her?" Mae Hyo adds.

Jaemin hurriedly pokes on Mae Hyo's thigh, circling something on the paper he slid in front of her.

Mae Hyo sighs in relief and nods, "your honor, this is just another injury done by the mishaps of a fitness coach."

Jeno walks back to his seat and looks at her defense, he felt hopeless at this point, it was obvious Mae Hyo would throw out his defense. 

"Mr.Ki's so-called injury, is also called a barbell scratch, it is rare but often caused by cross fit, it is an exercise that requires one to pick up heavy weights on top of their heads, arms stretched out, and if the balance goes out, it can bounce on the back of their necks and fall to the ground, appearing like scratches," Mae Hyo says, now connecting her laptop, to the projector.

Her heels clicked to Jeno's seat, where she dropped his laptop right in front of him.

"objection, relevance?"

"don't interrupt me, and you'll see the relevance soon enough" Mae Hyo retorts.

Jeno only waited for his loss, his client blew this for him, and maybe this would be okay had it been losing to anyone else, but he was failing to her, Mae Hyo.

"Mr Ki often posted his progress on Instagram to motivate his clients and attract other people to his business, and he posted this very picture-" Mae Hyo changes the slide to the same picture Jeno had presented and goes back to her own, "On his instagram two weeks ago, with the caption, 'the hustle is real'

Jeno once again looks at his client, "I told you to private your account, you even confirmed with me" Jeno was seething at this point, he was going to lose, yes, but over such a stupid mistake?

and to her?

Mae Hyo speaks again, cutting off whatever the man would've whispered back.

"now, unless the hustle is domestic abuse, I dont think you announce this to the world, and as Ive mentioned earlier, there was no imminent danger at the time of murder; therefore, this cant be self-defense, but all I know is he's here and the girlfriend's dead, I rest my case."

The judge clears her throat, "I do not need a recess to go over the facts with this case. With the evidence provided, I have no choice to deem Mr.Ki Beom Song, guilty for first-degree murder and domestic abuse; court adjourned"

The gavel hits once again, passing the win to Bae Mae Hyo.

Jeno looks at his client, losing himself, "You said you'd get me out of this, you're a liar, you call yourself a lawyer? youre a total liar" The man screams at Jeno as he struggles from the handcuffs and resistance from the police.

"I also asked you to shut your fucking mouth. Guess we both didn't listen," Jeno says. He buttons up his suit to follow the girl who had just walked out of the courtroom.

Mae Hyo's pink skirt hugged her figure snug and tight, and her heels clicked against the courthouse floor, proud.

"Mae Hyo!"

She turned around at the source and her lips curled in a gloating manner, "oh hey, Jeno, thought I smelt failure."

"how'd you get that picture?" Jeno asks, trying to pace with her in sync walk.

Mae Hyo stopped and looked for a second, "your client may have private his account, but the idiot was still accepting." 

"I would've had it if the judge didn't empathize with you as a woman and the victim," Jeno says as he tries to salvage his face in front of her.

Mae Hyo mockingly frowns. She picks at Jeno's gelled hair and slicks it back, "come on, Jeno, don't try to blame the Judge to make up for the fact that you're a terrible lawyer."

Jeno scoffs at this, "I am not a terrible lawyer. I have a very high success rate."

Mae Hyo nods, "okay, anything to help you sleep at night."

"Next time, I'll win. Watch yourself"

Mae Hyo sighs, "fine, for now, watch my ass" she says, turning away from him, "and watch it walk away from you." 

Jeno watched, of course.

That same click clack from her shoes, she had such purposeful stride, it irritated Jeno more than he'd ever admit.

"Congratulations, Ms Bae" 

Mae Hyo hugs her colleague in genuine gratitude, "oh, it was nothing!"

"just another win"

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