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harleys POV

its been a week, jax never got to take me out like he wanted. club business came up, most of the guys have been on a run since right the night we had a dinner as a family. pop, and halfsac stayed behind so atleast ive been able to spend time with my dad more. gemma has kept jt while ive been at work. luckily ive only worked two 24hour shifts this week and i only took a day to recharge once i was done. i have the next few days off so i plan on spending every minute with my baby boy. im scheduled to work 12 hour shifts the next two weeks which means he will have to spend more time with grandma or jax when he gets back. im still looking for a sitter, its harder than i thought it would be.

i pulled into the lot to get jt from gemma. im so thankful for her, i have no idea what i would do with jt if she didnt keep him. i missed him honestly i may have had to miss alot before we came home but i did see him most days and stayed the night when i could. theres only been a few times ive went more than two days without seeing him. even when hes with jax i see him at TM or we take him out just the three of us. my boy is my light, the thought of him and us eventually getting out of our circumstance was what pushed me everyday. i looked forward to us being free and together for so long and now i hate being away from him.

i get out of the car and hear jt yell for me. that is the greatest thing in the world, hearing your childs excitement to see you. that and his laugh are the best things in this world. i laughed as he jumped into my arms.

"i missed you mama! im going home with you right!" he asked wrapping his arms around my neck so tight it almost choked me

"yeah baby. i missed you to so sooo much. did you have fun with grandma?"

"yeah! we went to the library, the park, had ice cream and i helped cook dinner!"

i sat down on the table by everyone else "wow that sounds amazing. were you good and listened to grandma?"

"of course i was good. am i ever bad? i  always listen" we all laughed

"work was good" my dad asked me

"yeah daddy. tiring but wasnt to bad. i have a few days off before i work 12s so i plan on relaxing." i wanted to ask how everything has been here but there were a couple hang arounds i didnt know to well and croweaters. i havent heard from jax in a few so i have no idea if everything and everyone is okay or if hes just not talking to me.

"baby you should have seen him at the library. he wanted ALL the books but we only got three for now." gemma told me

"hes always loved his books. thank you for keeping him. it was hard not having him. i think ill talk to them about switching to only 12 hour shifts soon. the 24 hour i work less days but i hate not seeing him then im dead to the world a whole day before i have to go back."

"baby hes my grandson ill watch him whenever yall need me to. even if you just need a break baby i got you." she told me squeezing my hand

" still thank you ma."

i talked to pop for a while weve gotten closer. he realized i wouldnt break and i think telling him all my problems helped our relationship. were not as close as were before i was taken but were getting there. i keep trying to reasure him it wasnt his fault and not to blame himself but i think he still does.

gemma came back out of the office with a candy bar for jt. a cab pulled into the lot a few minutes later. a skinny woman with dirty blonde hair got out with a duffle bag.

"jesus which one of yalls dicks did this pussy follow home!" gemma snapped towards piney. he just shrugged his shoulders.

luckily jt wasnt paying attention i didnt feel up to explaing why pussy would follow them home right now. half-sac looked at me with a weird look then got anxious.

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