family dinner

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harleys POV

i walked towards my house.

"what do you want" i asked her

"i want you to leave jax alone"

"wow. how old are you? trust me if i wanted jax i would have him. now get the fuck off my property" i told her walking to my door.

"no jax is mine. you should have stayed gone. just because yall have a kid together doesnt mean he wants you. jax is happy with me and will be ecstatic when i see him later."

"ive told you before not to EVER bring my son up again. you have two seconds to get off my property before i beat your dumb ass again and get you for trespassing."

"jax wouldnt let you hurt me."

"he has before, and hes not here now is he."

"he wouldnt now that im pregnant. like i said stay away from jax. we are going to be a family with OUR BABY. and eventually he will forget about you and that boy of yours."

"youre fuckin crazy if you think jax would leave his son alone. like i said if i wanted to be with him i would be whether you're pregnant or not." i leaned closer to her "dont forget your face isnt pregnant bitch. dont ever let anything about my kid come out of your mouth again." i said before i head butted her. "now get the fuck off my property."

she ran off holding her bleeding nose and crying. i grabbed the bags out of my truck and went inside. happy walked in behind me.

"shit i forgot you were here." i said laughing

"that bitch is crazy" he said grabbing a beer out of the fridge.

"sure have a beer hap." i said grabbing it out of his hand he grunted then grabbed another one.

"you gonna handle that bitch."

"not my place. now i just might kill her if she talks about my kid again or comes at me again."

"okay killa." he said chuckling.

i rolled my eyes and started pulling everything out of the bags. i heard a bike pull up. this was going to be fun. happy nodded to me and walked outside. a couple minutes later jax walked in.

he stood in the doorway of the kitchen for a couple minutes not saying anything. i started cleaning up the rest of the house while gemma still had jt. jax watched me.

"are you going to just stand there all day and watch me?" i asked not looking up at him

"you okay?"

"yeah why wouldnt i be?"

"come on harls. i know about what tara said."

"jax that has nothing to do with me."

"it does. it has everything to do with you! why dont you see that?!" he yelled walking towards me

"one stop yelling. two no it does not. what happens between you and your girlfriend is none of my business and does not affect me. unless it has to do with our son it doesnt involve me."

"harley would you just stop."

"jax i need to get this house cleaned before i go pick up jt from gem. is there a reason you came here?" i asked folding a blanket and putting it on the back of the couch.

"i broke up with her earlier. right after you left. i couldnt keep up the bullshit. i tried to do shit how you wanted. but nothing else mattered once i knew you were okay. that night you left my ring on my bike all i could think about was you. then seeing you across the street for you to just disappear, i knew i needed to get you back. and youve been pushing me away the whole time harley. i couldnt keep acting like i gave a damn about her when all i want was you!! so yeah it does have everything to do with you." he said before he pulled me to him and kissed me.

i kissed him back. he moved us so we were laying on the couch, him on top of me. he slid his hand under my shirt.

his phone started ringing. "fuck" he mumbled sitting up. "yeah...right now? okay ill be there." he hung up.

"i gotta go." he said standing up

"yeah." i mumbled fixing my shirt

"can we talk later? i meant what i said harley. i only want you. you gotta stop pushing me away. im not giving up." he leaned down and kissed my cheek. i just shook my head yeah. i didnt trust myself to speak.

i didnt move until i couldnt hear his bike anymore. jesus i have got to get a grip. i cant handle the whiplash from him anymore. i guess from me to. i needed someone to talk to but fuck i have no one in charming. gemma would be ecstatic to hear jax wants to get together plus i cant talk to her about almost fucking her son on my couch. i dont care for donna, shes somewhat sweet but she doesnt approve of the club and my brother deserves a woman that does, who understands what an old lady means and what her role is. the croweaters used to be nice but that was before i was taken then came back with jax tellers kid. i dont want to always bother ashley. fuck. i guess ill just got for a run.

jax POV

i pulled up to TM seeing tara and donna standing by donnas car. opie walked donna away as i got off my bike. tara walked over crying

"jax your baby momma hit me" she whined. i could see she had a broken nose.

"her name is harley. dont try to play the victim tara. i know what all you said. i broke up with you. get it through your head i dont want you. if you are pregnant i doubt its mine ive always wrapped my shit with everyone besides harley. get the hell out of here. i dont want you back on this lot unless you have a dna test ready to prove the kid is mine. dont try to talk to anyone here or harley. bye tara." i said walking past her to the clunhouse.

i walked to the bar and grabbed a beer, lighting a cigarette as i sat down. all this shit was going to kill me. all i wanted was harley back, and our son. i wanted us to be a family. like it should have been from the beginning.

chibs sat down to me "aye Jackie boy long day?"

"you could say that. tara says shes pregnant i wrapped my shit with her but she claims its mine. she told harley and said some bullshit to her. fuck man i dont know what to do."

"dam'. yea thats alot jackie. you gotta go for what ya want. be happy. youll figure it out. if you want ya family dont stop, keep trying. prove it to tha lass."

"yeah. youre right. im gonna get out of here. yall call if you need me. thanks chibs."

"no problem jax." he said patting my shoulder

i rode as fast as i could to harleys. i guess she heard my bike cause she stood there waiting with the door open. i walked in pulling her with me. i kissed her.

"i want to take you out tonight" i said pulling away my hands on her hips

she looked shocked "w-what? i cant i have to get jt and ive already got dinner going."

"okay ill take you out tomorrow night then. we go get our son and have dinner tonight together."

she looked at me for a minute before she nodded. "okay. if youre serious jackson. i dont want no games, no bullshit or to confuse jt."

"i promise no bullshit harls." i said kissing her again.

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