guardian angel

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opies POV

its been a week since jax swears it was harley at the park. we went back the next morning to look around, there wasnt any sign of her. we drove all over charming, to lodi, checked every hotel and no one any of them had seen her.

we didnt tell anyone else about that night, we decided if something else happened or we found a sign we would tell everyone else.

i just missed my sister. i thought about her every day, i wondered what she looked like now, if she was still the smart ass shes always been, i wondered if she would still be happy here or if she would go stay with mary.

we all backed our bikes to the curb on main street. we were meeting darby. we all got off out bikes when i felt someone watching me. i looked across the street and seen Harley standing there. HOLY SHIT.

"jax" i said getting his attention and he looked real quick. he must have seen her too cause he stiffened up a school bus drove by and then she was gone. we both took off running across the street. we both ran down the only alley she could have went down and there was no sign of her. we both kept running.

i knew clay send the prospect and juice after us but i didnt care. we ran a couple streets over and still couldnt find her. i know what i seen how the hell she got away where the fuck did she go.

"shes gone ope. we gotta go back." jax told me as he stopping running.

"jax did you see her too. im not going crazy am i. where the fuck is she!" i yelled

"yeah i seen her ope. if your crazy so am i. we gotta tell them ope. come on." he told me walking back towards main street

"who are yall talking about" juice asked us, shit i forgot they were here.

"no one. yall fuckin forget about this." both me and jax told them they both nodded.

we walked back up to the rest of the guys "yall are going to fuckin explain when we get back. lets fuckin go." clay said i could tell he was mad.

as we were driving up some myans came after us gunning for clay but hit tig instead. they took off. we had the prospect go get the tow truck to pick tigs bike up and the rest of us drove him to the hospital with juice driving him in the van.

they took him back to surgery immediately. they came back a few hours later and said he was stable but would be kept overnight and probably wouldnt wake up tonight. we all decided to come back tomorrow when  he got discharged to escort him home.

the next day we were sitting in the waiting room for them to discharge tig. after a while i heard something that caught my attention.

"sam do you think my mama is here?" a little boy asked the guy
"i dont know bud but were gonna ask and find out. dont you worry we are gonna find her i promise" he told him.
he walked up to the nurses desk.

"excuse me i was wondering if you could tell me if a friend of mine was here." he asked her
"whats the name i can look it up." she told him. i couldnt stop looking at the little boy.
the guy looked around before he spoke "harley winston or she could be goong by harley james." i jumped up and was wondering if anyone else heard it. they must have cause everyone else was standing.
"no sir im sorry we dont have anyone here by either name." she told him.
"okay thank you have a good day." he turned
"sam does that mean that mommy isnt here? where she? the bad man didn't get her again did he?" the little boy asked him and started crying.

this sam guy sat the boy down in a chair and crouched in front of him
"you gotta calm down bud. i dont know where your mama is but we are going to find her. i promise you he didnt get her again, you dont need to worey about him anymore okay i promise you." the boy stopped crying and shook his head.
"why come shes hasnt called me sam. she always calls when she goes away. what if she left me?" he sniffled
"oh no little man. she would never leave you. you remember when you had that really long sleep over with me and ashley?" the boy smiled "we ate ice cream for breakfast and you took me on that red truck." sam laughed "yeah bud we did. but while you were with me your mom came here to make sure it was safe for you to come home. im sure shes just checking again." he reassured the little boy. "but sam why wouldnt it be safe to come home? she told me we was gonna go home soon and i was gonna meet my daddy, and my big bear and my pops but why didnt she take me with her. you sure shes okay?" this boy seemed smart for his age he couldnt be no older than four.

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