fun town

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harleys POV

i decided to take my shower and cook breakfast before i woke Jt up. i wasnt really looking forward to seeing jax today but i knew J was excited to see him. it would be a good thing for him to see me and jax getting along, he deserved it.

i had the music on in the kitchen, i didnt have it to loud so it wouldnt wake Jt. i danced while i cooked and got the bag ready for our day out. i made sure there were enough snacks and some juice, i fixed some sandwiches to take, i cut up some watermelon and strawberries and pineapple. i always made sure J ate a variety of food, well sam and ash would when i couldnt. i guess we all would.

i danced to the stove to check the food i turned to the fridge behind.

"holy shit" i said as i seen jax leaning against the door frame. "you fuckin scared me. how did you get in here?"

"the door was unlocked. i knocked." he chuckled

"i didnt know you was coming over this early. i figured we were meeting there"

"i figured we could go together. i like this look on you." he winked at me

"what?" i looked down shit i forgot i was just in my robe.

"you know i love red on you." he said walking towards me. "especially in the form of a silk robe."

i held my hands up "oh no. back off. im going to change." i told him walking around him. "dont you try and follow" i glared at him

"oh come on babe why not?" he hollered after. i shook my head but didnt answer. after i got dressed i threw my hair up in a messy bun. i went to wake Jt up.

"good morning baby." i said rubbing his head

"no mama sleep time." he mumbled

"come on johnathan i have breakfast ready. we gotta get going so we can go to funtown. and theres a surprise for you in the kitchen." i told him which made him jump up.

he ran out of his room and down the hallway. i laughed to see how excited he was and didnt even know what the surprise was.

"DADDYYY!!!" he yelled once he seen jax and jumped into his waiting arms.
"are you eating with us?"

jax has the biggest smile on his face "yeah bud i am then were all going to fun town."

after we ate jax got Jt ready while i cleaned up the kitchen. i made sure we had all the snacks we needed, a change of clothes for Jt he is bound to get dirty.

i heard my son giggling from his room so i snuck back there and seen him and jax "wrestling" around. jax acted like he was slamming jt on the ground and he would jump up "again daddy again" and he would laugh the whole time. i stood in the doorway and admired how jax was with our son. it broke my heart that they both missed out on each other for a few years but i will do anything to make sure that never happens again.

jax looked up and seen me first, he smiled at me. god that smile made me so happy, no i cant think like that. "you ready to go. i think grandma wants to take you to her house later so shes going to pick us up" i told jt

"yeah. i love going with grandma!" he said before he ran out of the room

jax walked over to me "you okay harley?"

"yeah i just love how good you are with him. he loves you so much"

he reached up and rubbed my cheek "yeah. i love him too. and you."

"jax please. lets have a good day. this is about him spending time with the both us."

"alright." he said defeated "will you ride with me?"

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