Chap 6 - The Prophecy, Nick is Jealous and a Coward

Start from the beginning

Nick didn't hesitate in his answer, "Annabeth, of course!" I rolled my eyes, of course he would choose her.

Chiron only nodded at Nick's decision, "Then pack your bags, you must leave immediately."

I leapt from my chair, I need to begin preparations quickly. I prepared my swords, Telos sheathed at my waist, and Archi hidden in the form of a leather bracelet. Before leaving the cabin, I informed my friends of how long I would be gone, and of my suspicions of James. "Luke, you're in charge. I trust you to make the right choices, so don't let me down." With those parting words to the group, I trudged to Thalia's tree.

As I neared the tree, I spotted Annabeth, packed and ready to go. Although, I noticed a faint smell, growing stronger with every step I took. When I finally reach the top of the hill, I smelled the air once more, "Oh, gods, what is that?"

Annabeth looked slightly offended, "I thought, as we aren't going to shower for quite a while, I might as well get as fresh as possible, while I have the chance. What you're smelling is my new perfume."

"I see, my apologies."

Nick didn't seem to mind, in fact as he approached, he said, "Wow, something smells great!" Annabeth's reaction Nick's opinion of her perfume was unreadable, though I doubt she truly appreciated the compliment.

I shook my head, and turned my gaze to the big house. I spotted Chiron, quickly approaching. He smiled at me as he passed, and asked Nick to follow him. They walked past Camp's borders, and out of earshot. However, I didn't need to hear them to see Chiron give a pen to Nick, a pen that looked like Riptide before its' upgrade. Nick seemed curious about his new weapon, and uncapped it as soon as it touched his palm. It sprung from its' hidden form, into its' full form, a 3 ft long, leaf shaped blade. Etched into the metal, I could make out the word Dini, meaning Eddy. Eddy, as in the small whirlpool, was a pretty interesting thing to name a sword. Nick seemed to agree, as he looked at the name with distaste. To his credit, he didn't voice his thoughts aloud, most likely not wanting to insult his father. 

They walked back over to us, Chiron speaking words of encouragement to Nick. As they got closer, Chiron looked up at me, and smiled. I nodded to him, "Shall we go, then?" 

Chiron's smile fell, "Yes, it seems it is time you begin your quest."  

I was seated in the car next to Annabeth, and Nick in the row behind us. Through the ride, Nick kept up his 'flirting' with Annabeth, though she skillfully ignored him. Once we finally arrived, I rushed out of the car, followed closely by Annabeth. Nick frowned at Annabeth's hurriedness, but followed. The wait for the bus proved less bad, as Nick decided he needed some rest, giving me a chance to have a normal conversation with Annabeth. Though that seemed more challenging than it first appeared, as for the first time since I met her all those years ago, I didn't know what to say. She didn't know me, and had no memory of our previous lives, what did she even think of me? 

She cleared her throat, "What's it like?" At me confused expression, she clarified, "Being the son of a being as powerful as Chaos is? Must be nice, how everyone respects and admires you, before they even meet you!" So this is what she was thinking about. 

I nodded absentmindedly, "I guess, though you're a daughter of Athena. That's nothing to scoff at. You're naturaly gifted with one of the most powerful weapon; knowledge. I'm certain that, with training, you could take down almost anyone, regardless of powers."

She sighed, "I suppose. Though it wouldn't hurt to be able to blast people with magic beams."

I laughed, "No, it definitely doesn't hurt."

If she was going to reply, she wasn't given the chance, as the bus took that moment to arrive. We shook Nick awake, and boarded the bus. Knowing what was going to happen next, I smiled and settled in to watch the show. 

The same as last time, the Furies arrived, and sat in the middle row, crossing their legs to prevent escape. After a while, they loudly proclaimed their need to use the restroom(Please let me know if I'm wrong about their excuse.), they began to stalk down the aisle. While walking, Alecto caught my eye, and winked.

"Nick, take my invisibility cap, and go around them." Nick didn't hesitate as he snatched the hat from her hand, and slammed it onto his head, disappearing. Alecto then approached, and grabbed Annabeth by the collar. 

"Where is he?" She hissed, giving Annabeth's face an unnecessary shower.

"He's gone!" Annabeth spat back.

The Furies began their attack, and it seems Nick really has disappeared. Quite in character, if you ask me. 

I sighed, knowing I would have to step in. I leapt from chair, unsheathing my sword. Within three swings of my sword, the Furies were reduced to dust. I unfortunately had to actually kill them, lest Annabeth get suspicious. 

Annabeth and I got off at the next stop, Nick materializing beside us. "What was that, Nick? You just left us!" I would not want to be in Nick's place, Annabeth could be quite scary. 

Nick wilted, and nervously he answered, "I'm to important! Besides, you made it out, didn't you?" 

Annabeth scowled, "No thanks to you!"

I interrupted before a fight started, "Don't waste your breath. He can't help his cowardice." Before Nick could protest, I walked off.

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