2: Stir Crazy

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"Jesus," he sighed before relenting, "Fine, I'll try. But if that kid tries anything, it'll be me dealing with him. And I asked you a question. Why are you out of bed?"

"I'm feeling fine, Hosea said I could," I shrugged, "I'm heading to bed now anyway, who'd have thought that being attacked by wolves would take it out of you so much!"

"John, apparently, as he's laying it on thick now," Arthur laughed, putting his arm around my shoulder, "I was worried, you know, Annie. You being out with John? That could only end in disaster."

"You should give John more credit," I said, "I'd probably be dead if he hadn't thought to try and stop the bleeding with his belt. Actually, I'm certain I woulda bled out. He is smarter than any of us want to admit."

"Well, we'll agree to disagree," Arthur made a face and I rolled my eyes, earning a small shove.

"You know, I remember the day you got this horse," Dutch suddenly spoke, and I whipped around.

He was feeding Roach an apple, a small smile on his face, his eyes had a faraway look.

"Yeah," I shrugged, "I was sick of you making me ride the leftover camp horses, I wanted one of my own. You told me that if I really wanted one, you'd make me work for it."

"And I stand by that," he nodded, "If you buy a horse, instead of tame it... the bond with your horse is less real, I believe. So, I took you to a nearby herd. Told you to pick out a horse and lasso it."

"Roach caught my eye immediately," I smiled, "Huge black stallion. I couldn't resist. He bucked me off a number of times, I'm sure I still have scars from that day, but I eventually got the brute. And I've never met a more faithful horse, I swear I couldn't have picked better."

"Hmmm," Dutch looked at me, "And I recall I told you to pick an easier horse for your first time taming one, one of the old mares. But you always were an obstinate child."

I grinned at him cheekily.

"Obstinate? Not the word I would have chosen," Arthur put a mock thoughtful look on, "Impetuous maybe, wayward, perhaps delinquent..."

I shoved him harshly, a scowl on my face.

"You're one to talk, Arthur Morgan," I grumbled and he laughed.

"Get to bed before I have to carry you. Go on," he pushed me slightly.

"I honestly hate you with every inch of my body," I grumbled and he laughed again.

"Good thing that ain't a lot of inches," he told me, the grin evident on his face.

I rolled my eyes at him but relented, heading to my room. I groaned in pain slightly as I settled myself down, but the fresh air and moving around had done me the world of good. I could hear the wind whistling around the small cabin, and the sounds of Dutch and his girl, Molly, talking in the next room as I allowed myself to drift slowly to sleep.

About a week later, the snow had died down a bit but it still lay thick on the ground, preventing us from taking our supplies anywhere else. We were going to have to stick with the mining town until it thawed somewhat.

"Ann, what is it with these O'Driscolls?" Charles Smith caught me as I was tending to Roach.

I had finally been allowed to leave my room without receiving disapproving looks from everyone, and I could almost walk without any limp whatsoever. I had even persuaded Arthur and Dutch to allow me to go out hunting the day before as we were running low on supplies, though Arthur came with me to make sure I didn't run into any more wolves.

RDR2: FaithlessTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang