The Way They Sleep

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Number 43: The Way They Sleep

Niall: Niall had tried staying up on all-nighters with you, but he never seems to succeed. He usually wraps his arms around your waist, mumbling in his sleep with his head on your chest. As you slowly move to get up, you see he’s drooling on the sheets and try not to laugh. As you turn out the light, you can’t help but thinking that he’s dreaming of food.

Zayn: As usual, Zayn takes naps. We all do. After a long day of work, all you want to do is sleep. But when you see Zayn sprawled out on the bed, you know it’s going to be impossible. You sigh as you cover him up with a blanket and bend down to kiss his forehead. He looks so peaceful in his sleep, you take a picture and lazily move towards the couch to resume your plans.

Louis: As we all know, Louis is very intergeneric. So after doing a lot of things with Louis, it tires both of you out. About ten minutes of him being home, he falls asleep in bed, so knackered out he forgets to say goodnight to you. As you turn out the light and move into bed next to Louis, he wraps his arms around you in his sleep. His hair's a mess, but you just find it adorable.

Liam: Usually, you cuddle with Liam as he falls asleep, but tonight, Liam couldn’t go ten minutes without sleep. He curls up into the couch, not having enough strength to get up and go to the bedroom. You quietly giggle to yourself as you see that his mouth is agape and snuggle him up in a blanket.

Harry: His face is smashed in between the sheets on the pillows and his messy curls. After a long hard day, all he wants to do is sleep. You wrap him up in a blanket as soft snores leave his mouth. You shake your head as you smile to yourself and turn out the light, walking away as quietly as you could so that he could get some sleep.

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