A Zayn Imagine for bradford_bad_gurl1

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Hey, I hope you like this and hope that you all can forgive me on not writing for so long! Thanks. You guys are the best. Muah!

It was late in the afternoon and you had just woken up from the pain in your foot and wrist. A couple of days ago, you were emitted to the hospital because of a car crash. You were driving home from a friend's house after going on a small shopping spree and it was late at night when you had began to go home.

When you had finally turned onto your street, an idiot had slammed into your car, not looking where he was going. That hit resulted in your car getting flipped two times and landing upside down in a neighbor's yard. All you remember was the voices and the pain before you had blacked out.

The next day, your friend was there in the hospital, crying as she was talking to the doctor. She had thought she lost you and that it was her fault. Clearly it wasn't. After the millions of apologies and telling her that you were fine and it wasn't her fault to begin with, she finally told you what the doctor said.

You had two fractured ribs, a minor concussion, two broken fingers, a twisted wrist, and your leg was broken. They said that it would take, at the most, five months for you to recover and a few weeks of physical therapy to have you all better and walking right again.

But the worst part about the whole thing, you weren't able to go see your boyfriend on tour when he comes.

You had been looking forward to seeing him ever since he left and now you couldn't. You had to stay home and sulk, all because of the dick who crashed into your car a few nights ago.

But see, the thing was, you kept it a secret from your boyfriend, Zayn, so that he wouldn't freak out and stay an extra couple days from his tour.

You so badly wanted him to stay at home with you, but you knew that other fans would miss him because he wasn't on the stage with the other boys, and that made you feel bad.

So you kept everything a secret from him.

Your friend was the one who took care of you and you knew that you could trust her with telling Zayn that you couldn't make it because your mother was suddenly ill. It seemed like a logical plan, but you weren't expecting Zayn to check up on you at all.

When you got the phone call from Zayn, you were completely shocked and didn't know what to say to him. You were on the couch, in the living room, with your cell phone in your hand. The TV was playing your favorite show. You were getting up when you heard your phone ringing the ringtone that Zayn set.

With shock and your eyebrows knotted, you picked up the phone with your good hand and said, "Hello?" you had been walking towards the kitchen to make something to eat.

You tried to keep in your limping huffs as he said, breathlessly, "Babe, how's your mum? Is she doing alright?"

You had made it to the counter and with a breathless sigh — it took you way too much energy to just get from the living room to the kitchen — you cleared your throat. "Um, yea. She's doing okay. Just a stomach bug, that's all."

As you were trying to make some noodles in a cup and put them into the microwave, Zayn had sighed — sounding defeated. You were waiting on the noodles to cook when Zayn said, "(Y/N), why are you lying to me?" you froze at the allegation. You felt like a deer in the head lights as he continued to talk before you could say anything. "I called your mother when (Y/F/N) told me the reason why you weren't there.

"Then, when I called your mum, she said that she was perfectly fine and that nothing was wrong with her. Hell, she was even at the mall getting Christmas presents for everyone when I called! She didn't even cough (Y/N). So would you please tell me why you're lying to me?" he asked sadly. "Is there somebody else that you need to tell me about, or something that makes you avoid me?"

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