Them Crying

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Number 11: Them Crying

Harry: His curls are stuck to his forehead as tears stream down his cheeks. It's been a long day and everything just came crashing down all of a sudden. You gently stoke his cheeks and allow him to let it out, eventually he feels much better and falls asleep clung to you.

Liam: His fist rub his eyes as he whimpers out cries, you have no idea why he's crying but you try to console him. Once he's calmed down he tells you about the rough day he'd had and he just lost it, you call management later on and explain Liam wouldn't be coming into work tomorrow that he needed a lazy day. He's very grateful.

Louis: You walk into the room you two share and frown when you see a shivering lump under the covers. Lou has been crying almost every night for a week and you have no idea why. Once you finally calm him down he finally admits that he's been stressed, once talking to management they give him a week off which is much needed.

Niall: “They hate me!” He sobs into your shoulder after a read through his twitter mentions, ever since the lads became famous each of them had gotten hate, but none as bad as Niall. His pale face is covered in red blotches as he cries into your shoulder mercilessly. He's calm after around 20 minutes and hundreds of “I love yous”

Zayn: It shocks you when you see him crying, When he spots you he quickly wipes away the tears trying to insist he wasn't just crying. However when you wrap your arms around him he breaks to pieces. He tells you the weight of trying to hold everything together is just to hard and after he's done crying he feels better. “Sometimes letting go helps.” You admit lightly.

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