You Run Into His Ex

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Number 40: You Run Into His Ex

Louis: You were at the grocery store, picking up some snacks for the small get-together that Louis was having later that night. You were standing in front of the aisle filled with chips, debating whether they boys would like Doritos or Cheetos better when suddenly someone knocked into you, causing everything in your basket to fallonto the floor. You instantly began to pick them up, pausing when you heard snickering from behind you. You threw the rest back into the basket, turning around to see a blonde girl standing there with a conceded smirk on her face.

“Excuse me.” You said politely, hoping this was all a misunderstanding and that you’d be able to return home without anything happening. “What wa-"

"Yeah," She interrupted you. "Excuse you, little Ms. Louis Tomlinson’s new girlfriend."

"Yes, I’m his girlfriend and you are…"

"(R/G/N), his ex. Which means that you must be the reason he ditched me.”

You were in shock that she thought this because when you met Louis, he had already broken up with his previous girlfriend, causing you to question if he was serious when he asked you out or if you were just a rebound for him. After much reassuring, he convinced you that this was real and you had never expected to meet his ex-girlfriend—that is, until now.

“You’ve got it all wrong. When I met Louis, he had already ended your relationship together.”

“Whatever,” She snapped, glaring at you as she spoke again. “Just know that you should watch your back. I mean, anything can happen, right?” (R/G/N) sent you a wicked smile before she trudged away, leaving you to go check out and hurry home before (R/G/N) could catch up with you once again.

Liam: “Can’t I just wait in the car?” Liam asked, not wanting to go inside the girly perfume store.

“Really, Liam? It’s only Sephora. It’s not that bad in there!” Liam groaned, his head leaning back against the head rest as he silently begged you to let him stay.

“Fine but you’re lucky I love you.” You muttered, pressing your lips against his, pulling away moments later because you didn’t want the kiss to get too heated and out of control that you wouldn’t want to stop it.

“I know I’m lucky and that’s exactly why you’ll let me stay away from that ungodly store.”

You playfully glared at him before you slipped out of the car and entered the store. You began searching the store for a gift for your cousin since her birthday was coming up soon. Spraying a perfume in front of you, your leaned forward to smell it but you hesitated when a women stood in-front of you.

“Sweetie, let me just tell you that this is not the store for you.” She said in a bitter tone and you immediately knew that she was an employee due to her uniform and you noticed that her name tag said, (R/G/N). You knew who she was because you had been friends with Liam for a few years now which meant that you had witnessed all of his previous relationships before he came to his senses and realize that you were the one who was perfect for him. (R/G/N) was his last girlfriend before Liam chose you and she had always blamed you as the reason he left he when, in reality, it was her cheating on him that caused him to break off the relationship.

“Not you again.” You muttered under your breath, just quiet enough so that she wouldn’t hear you.

“Are you here alone? Liam didn’t want to be around you anymore?”

You figured it was best to ignore her and continue to shop but (R/G/N) decided to make that difficult and casually follow around, making sure that her co-workers didn’t notice her and get her in trouble. She continued making rude comments and you had had enough.

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