You Guys' Favorite Ed Sheeran Song

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Number 7: You Guys' Favorite Ed Sheeran Song

Harry: Kiss me - it describes on how you both first met, he didn’t really know you but felt love at first sight and wanted to get to know you better in as much many ways as he could.

Louis: Give Me Love - this song has always been around for when he came back from tour or a long trip, it symbolised the love you have for each other.

Liam: Little Bird - through your relationship you were going threw some rough patches, but it was a little bird with a broken wing that helped you get more close to each other like how it explains in this song.

Zayn: Let It Out - both of you didn’t really want to be the normal every day couple, you loved doing adventurous things together and couldn’t be torn apart, like what Ed says in the song “We’re like glue”.

Niall: This - before you and Niall actually dated you were great friends, it took a lovely couple for you both to realize that you were meant to be together, and it was the “start of something beautiful”.

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