He Brings Up The Idea Of Children

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Number 8: He Brings Up The Idea Of Children

Niall: It's your second anniversary, and you're spending the night in. You both decide to just have a pizza and lots of desserts, then sit and watch movies until you fall asleep. "Hey (Y/N), what do you think of kids?" He asks, playing with your hair as your head rests on his chest. "I love kids. Why?" "No reason." You notice the smile he's hiding something and the fact that his cheeks are bright pink. You kiss his cheek, knowing what he's thinking.

Harry: You're out with Harry and Lux for the day, and while Lux is sleeping in Harry's arms, he blurts out the question. "Do you want kids some day?" "Yes." You reply almost instantly, looking at him closely. "Good."

Louis: You're at his mum's house in Doncaster, babysitting the twins. You're playing with Daisy and Phoebe while Louis' in the kitchen making lunch. He comes back quickly, setting sandwiches on the coffee table. He watches you play with the girls happily, then decides to ask the question later. That night when you're getting ready for bed, he asks you the question. "(Y/N), what's your take on kids?" "Love them. Always have. Why do you ask?" He shrugs, giving you a cuddle when you get into bed. "Just curious." "Sure."

Liam: You're babysitting your cousin and Liam decides to help out. He plays with your baby cousin most of the day, almost hogging him. At dinner, he asks you the question. "Do you think you're going to have kids someday, (Y/N)?" You shrug, putting your cutlery down. "I guess so. But only if the guy I'm with wants to as well." "I'm sure he will."

Zayn: You're out in London for the day, and he sees a lot of young families, but it doesn't faze you. He nudges your arm, and you look over. "What do you think of kids?" He questions, trying to be subtle. "I like them. Most of the time." You joke, receiving a chuckle from him. "So do I." He kisses your cheek and you both have smiles on your faces for the rest of the day.

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