On The Alan Show With Them

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Number 5: On The Alan Show With Them


“So we saw some kissing action going on while you guys were shopping the other day..care to explain what was going on?” Alan says. You blush and Louis just laughs. Louis looks at Alan and says, “Why…are you..jealous?” everyone laughs a little and you look up at Louis as he leans down to kiss you. You can always count on Louis to say something during an awkward situation. Alan then looks at you guys and grins and says, “Oh (Y/N), I'm soo jealous of you!”


You're sitting next to Liam and he has his arm around your shoulder. The interview is going well and it was really entertaining, but you only got 2 hours of sleep the night before because this was your first interview with Liam and you were really nervous. Before you knew it, you dozed off on Liam's shoulder. After a while, Liam moved his arm a bit causing you to wake up. Since you were so embarassed you decided to just keep pretending you were sleeping. You hear Alan say, “Why is (Y/N) sleeping during my show?! Liam did you keep her up last night…?” Liam laughs a little and you could feel that he was embarassed. Liam says, “N-no! She just…didn't sleep well last night…” you feel yourself blush as they keep talking about you. “Look! She’s blushing! She’s awake!” Alan says. “Dammnit…” you mutter under your breathe. You slowly open your eyes and look at Liam and say, “What..?” everyone laughs and Liam looks at you and whispers, “Good one babe.”


You and the boys are having a great time at the interview when Niall nudges you and whispers, “Babe, I’m hungry.” You smile a little and whisper back, “What do you want me to do about it..?” he chuckles lightly and says, “I dont know..just wanted you to know…are you hungry?” The conversation goes on with quiet laughs and smiles exchanged between the two of you. you guys are so into it you don’t notice that everyone’s stopped talking and they’re all looking at you guys. “Umm…” you say blushing. Niall looks up for a minute then bursts out laugh. Once he started laughing everyone else couldn't help but join in. At the end of the interview Alan says, "It's like you two can't get enough of each other!”


You were actually dreading this interview so much. SO much, because everyone knew how cheeky Harry was and Alan being..ALAN would definitely bring that up. 10 minutes into the interview nothings happened so you start to relax more. Suddenly Alan turns to you and asks very bluntly, “So (Y/N), …how’s Harry in bed? Quite loud I’m guessing?” everyone laughs including Harry while you just blush furiously. Before you get a chance to respond Louis says, “She’s quite loud too! You know they were going at it last night. I could hear them from downstairs!” all the boys are laughing, including Harry. Until he sees you looking really uncomfortable. Harry chimes in, “You know (Y/N)’s wonderful in bed and after this interview is over I think we might enjoy ourselves a little more.” and he turns his head and kisses you. You blush and you were so embarrassed but you were smiling. Harry’s kisses had that effect on you.  


You and Zayn were sitting side by side and holding hands. Once in a while Zayn will look down at you and kiss you or give you a smile. After a kiss, Alan looks at you guys and says, “Awh, look at the lovebirds. Why don't you just go ahead and have sex on my sofa.” you and Zayn both laugh, but you felt uncomfortable. Alan asks, “So (Y/N)…when you DO have sex, does Zayn let you touch his hair?” you felt your cheeks go red, but you decide to get the better of him. You smile cheekily and say back, “I don't know Alan, when you guys have sex does he let you touch his hair?” Zayn laughs loudly and soon everyone joins in. Alan looks at you and says, “Well then!”

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