Babysitting Tips

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A lot of us are often found babysitting kids, and sometimes they drive us crazy! But here are some helpful tips to help keep kids happy, busy, and help them become a kinder person. Keep in mind this quote as we travel along through these tips. 😄

1- How to deal with tantrumsSometimes kids get mad, and a lot of the time our first reaction is to yell at them to be quiet and quit whining

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1- How to deal with tantrums
Sometimes kids get mad, and a lot of the time our first reaction is to yell at them to be quiet and quit whining. This does not help them calm down, and it only teaches them that yelling is ok. What we have to do is honestly, give them a time out. Get a chair, set it down, explain to them in a calm, but stern voice that they will take a few moments in the chair to calm down, and then have them sit in it for as many minutes old they are.
For an example, a 7 year old, would need a 7 minute time out and a 3 year old would need a 3 minute time out. Then after that, go over to them and ask them why they were screaming or shouting. And by the way, a temper tantrum IS different then just crying. If a child is just crying and not yelling, then ask them what's wrong in a calm, happy voice and help them in the best way you can.
But if a child is having a tantrum, give them the time out, ask them what's wrong if you don't already know what's wrong, and then most of the time they will need to apologize to you or a sibling for having a tantrum. And if they refuse to apologize, start the time out over again until they apologize. Just make sure you aren't yelling, but that you are staying calm. This will teach them to be calm in chaos. And by the way, I have tried this tactic many times on many children and it does work. 😉

2- Fun activities to do with kids
Although most kids have a tablet or phone and they stay quiet while using them, too much tablet time is not good for a child's brain development and is often the cause of tantrums. So try to limit the tablet time and instead do things like the stuff on the list below. 😃


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- Chores for kids
Yes, the house probably will get messy while you are babysitting and it is not polite to leave the house messier then when you got there. But moms LOVE IT when you leave the house cleaner then when you got there. Take it from someone who gets paid extra a lot because of just doing the dishes or folding the laundry while babysitting. (Although don't expect to be paid extra) 😜 But of course children can only do certain chores. Take for instance this chart below. This chart is the basics of what chores work for a child's age. But it does also depend on a kids health or previous experience. But hopefully this chart will help you. 😄

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