Writing Prompt

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Pick one of these three writing prompts to do and write your mini story in the comments! I love seeing people's writing skills in action! 😊

Pick one of these three writing prompts to do and write your mini story in the comments! I love seeing people's writing skills in action! 😊

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Details: Write about a battle scene between two different people.
She looked around her, trying to catch a glimpse of the man who would soon try to kill her. She had not the slightest clue why he wanted to kill her, but she was prepared to fight. Suddenly, he leaped out of a tree and delivered a harsh blow towards her throat. She jumped back, the heavy blade barely missing her. She swung her sword toward his broad chest, but he quickly ducked.
"Why do you wish to kill me?" She shouted.
"Because you have brought pain and suffering upon many people." He replied before making another quick slice across her shoulder, causing blood to appear and pain to start building up.
"What do you mean I bring pain and suffering upon people?" She asked, lowering her sword. "I only wish to help people, not hurt them." The man stopped and also lowered his sword, but still looked ready to attack if needed.
"You are wearing an Ashien necklace, and everyone knows that the Ashien people only bring pain to others."
"I found this necklace in a pile of junk, I did not know that it was Ashien." She apologized, removing the necklace from her neck.
"I am sorry, I thought you were an Ashien, let me take you to my village and bandage up that shoulder for you."  He smiled. Then they walked towards the village together, swords in hand.

Details: Write about something that makes you sad, going into detail, using different adjectives.
A young boy huddles in the corner, afraid of something he can not see. A fearful girl washes the floor, longing for a future she dares not imagine she could ever have. A tiny infant cries, for he was tossed in a trashcan, his parents not caring if he lives or dies. What will happen to these precious little ones? Who will help them? Send me! I will show them love and loyalty. I will prove to them that someone does care about them. Show me where to go, and there will I be. Teach me what to say, and those words will I speak. Tell me what to do, and I will obey. I want to help every precious, priceless person I meet. I want to show them that they don't have to be afraid, for there is someone who loves them, has always loved them, and will never stop loving them. Give me the courage to go and make a difference!

Details: Write about how eating a certain food makes you feel and mention the taste, the smell, and what it looks like.
Each bite seems to cool me down, making me feel fresh and happy. The creamy, smooth, chocolatey taste swirls around in my mouth. Before I take the next bite, I can smell the coolness and sweetness, I see the tiny ice crystals slowly melting away into the creaminess of deliciousness. I put the spoon into my mouth and again, I smile as the wonderful taste fills my mouth with a different swirl of chocolatey colors.

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