A positive impact

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No matter where you are or what situation you are in, you can make a difference! There are probably many people that admire and look up to YOU! Why? Because they see how amazing you are! You can be a good example for younger kids, teens, and even ...

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No matter where you are or what situation you are in, you can make a difference! There are probably many people that admire and look up to YOU! Why? Because they see how amazing you are! You can be a good example for younger kids, teens, and even adults!

You can have a positive or a negative impact on someone's life. Little kids especially look up to you to see what they should act like, talk like, and what attitude to have. If you are treating others unkindly or talking badly about people, what do you think little kids will become like? Despite what you think, you probably have others around you that look at you to see what to be like, be a positive impact in someone's life, always! 😄🙌

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