Beyond what you can see

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You might not know the future, but every decision that you make can change the future

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You might not know the future, but every decision that you make can change the future. God gave you the power to make your own choices. 😃 Will you follow God? Every day, you will face choices that do have consequences, whether good or bad.

Jesus is strong and powerful, yet he chose to get mocked, get nails pierced through his hands and feet, and get thorns shoved into his head, and die on the cross so that you could go to Heaven! Jesus rose from the grave and is still asking people to go out and serve him by teaching others about his salvation plan! He will never ask you do to something that you physically or emotionally can't do.

"For God so loved the world that he sent his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16
Jesus loves you, has always loved you, and will never stop loving you! He knows what you are going through and he will always help you in your time of trouble. Stay strong my fellow princesses! 😄

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