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Sehun woke up at exactly nine in the morning with an odd sense of purpose. Today was the day. He was going to attempt to make contact with Eunji. He hadn't exactly planned when to do it, but he just felt like today was the right time. There was something about the way he felt that morning that made him feel like things would go perfectly.

Quickly, Sehun got out of bed and showered. He dressed himself as best he could while still looking casual enough, and spent longer than he cared to admit combing his hair. When he was finally satisfied, Sehun left his apartment and started on his way to Eunji's coffee shop. He was just going to buy a drink and go; no chatter, no lingering, no nothing. All he wanted to do was guage Eunji's reaction, that was it.

Absorbed in his thoughts, Sehun quickly made it to the shop and froze before he could enter. What if it all went wrong? What if Eunji still wanted nothing to do with him? What if she threw him out of her shop? There were so many things that could go wrong, but Sehun forced himself to believe that it would all be worth it. Just as he was about push through the glass door, Sehun saw the one thing he hadn't prepared for.

"No," Sehun whispered under his breath, unable to control his shock, "no, she can't be."

Sehun shook his head and quickly turned on his heel to walk away. He couldn't believe what he had seen. Baekhyun, the chattermouth with no boundaries, holding Eunji as Sehun once had and kissing along her neck. Sehun didn't even have the energy to be angry; not at Baekhyun, not at Eunji. He just felt empty. There was this void in his heart where he had loved Eunji that could now only be filled with sadness.

"Sehun?" A voice called out, and Sehun looked up.

"Chanyeol," he said dully when he recognized Eunji's friend.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, shifting the paper bags in his arms.

"Nothing." Sehun shook his head and kicked a pebble by his feet.

"You went to see Eunji, did you?" Chanyeol looked at him with sympathetic eyes.

"How long?" Sehun looked up at Chanyeol.

"Her and...?" Chanyeol tilted his head to the side.

"Yeah," Sehun cut Chanyeol off before he could say the name.

"Uh, like two weeks now, I guess." Chanyeol shrugged.

"I was too late," Sehun sighed.

"Hey man," Chanyeol said, putting down some bags and reaching out to place a hand on Sehun's shoulder, "what you did was pretty bad, but I'm a firm believer in second chances. I think you were perfect for Eunji. Honestly, Sunmi and I don't really like her relationship with Baekhyun, but we're gonna be there for her no matter what. I think you can still get her back."

"You really think so?" Sehun asked, a glimmer of hope starting to shine.

"Yeah." Chanyeol smiled comfortingly. "I've known Eunji way longer than I've known you, and I'm pretty upset that you hurt her, but you're not a bad guy. I kind liked having you around."

"Thank you." Sehun bowed his head.

"How about you help me carry these bags back to the shop, and I can casually get Eunji to see you again," Chanyeol offered.

"I don't think I can face her..." Sehun trailed off.

"If I don't make you come with me now, you'll never see her, and therefore never have a chance to get back with Eunji." Chanyeol shook his head.

"Alright," Sehun agreed begrudgingly, picking up one of the bags Chanyeol had placed on the sidewalk.



"Chanyeol, what took you so long?" Eunji laughed when Chanyeol finally came into the back with the things she had asked him to pick up at the shop. "Who's your friend?"

Standing behind Chanyeol's tall frame was someone whose face was completely covered by the brown paper bag they were holding in their arms. Judging by Chanyeol's lack of response, Eunji guessed she'd have to interrogate the mystery man in order to get a real answer.

"Are you a friend of Chanyeol's?" She asked the mysterious person.

"You could say that," said a chillingly familiar voice as the person placed the bag down beside them.

Eunji's features dropped when she recognized the person behind the bag. Everything slowed as Eunji fought to keep her composure. Chanyeol had brought Sehun back into her shop without any kind of warning. The past two weeks with Baekhyun had been helping her heal, but nothing could have prepared her to see Sehun this intimately this soon. Eunji stood there, frozen, and only came to when the sound of a shattering mug hit her ears.

"Silly me," Eunji laughed as she looked at the mess around her feet. In her shock, she had lost grip on the mug she was drying.

"Are you okay?" Sehun lunged forward almost by instinct before stopping himself.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Eunji smiled shakily, halfway knowing she wasn't fooling anyone. "Just a little surprised is all."

"Sorry, didn't mean to surprise you," Sehun apologized, his voice low and soft. Eunji could hear the remorse in his voice and it pained her.

"Quite alright," Eunji said though her voice sounded too fake to her ears.

She was shaken, seeing Sehun right before her. Even though everything had passed, having him so close brought all those feelings of hurt back. Eunji felt like she had been stabbed in the heart all over again, but she couldn't understand why. This wasn't the same kind of hurt that she had felt when they first broke up. This hurt was new. It was almost as if Eunji was hurting because she wanted him back. Him standing right in front of her once more brought back all the memories Eunji had of them being happy together.

"Is everything okay?" Baekhyun poked his head in the back. "I heard something break."

"Yeah, we're fine." Eunji smiled as best as she could, watching as Sehun turned to look at Baekhyun.

"What the hell is he doing here?" Baekhyun growled when he realized just exactly who was standing there.

"It's fine, he was helping me," Chanyeol said quickly, noticing the tension.

"It's not fine," Baekhyun said, "get out."

"Okay," Sehun quickly agreed and threw Eunji one last, heartwrenching glance before turning to exit.

"And stay out," Baekhyun threatened as he caught Sehun's shoulder. He was out of character, but Eunji could somewhat understand why. What she couldn't understand, though, was this pain in her heart.

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