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*quick note: this chapter is rated M simply for heavily suggestive themes, but there's nothing explicit*


Sehun awoke to Eunji slipping out of her bed silently. The slight shift in the mattress had caused him to stir and the quiet creak of the floorboards beneath Eunji's feet had fully woken him. She seemed to be trying her best to stay quiet, but she was still a little drunk making the task that much harder. Sehun almost laughed at how comically Eunji was stepping around her room, trying to avoid the loudest of floorboards.

"Eunji?" He asked as she reached the door.

"Sehun!" She cried, whipping around and putting a hand over her heart. "You scared me."

"Sorry," Sehun laughed lightly, sitting up to look at his girlfriend. "What are you doing up? What time is it?"

"It's two in the morning. I got hungry," she mumbled, tugging at the end of her oversized t-shirt.

"Well, let's get something to eat," Sehun said and got up from Eunji's bed to join her at the door.

"You don't have to get up with me." Eunji shook her head softly.

"Now that you've mentioned you're hungry, I'm getting hungry too," Sehun admitted with a smile.

Wordlessly, Eunji turned away and opened the door. She stepped out of her room and through the mess of last night's party to get to the kitchen. Sehun followed her as she poured herself a bowl of cereal and began to eat it. There was something bothering her, he could tell. He was worried that it was something he had done, but couldn't think of anything within the last twenty-four hours that would trigger Eunji to be upset with him. But perhaps that was the problem; he didn't understand that something he had done had upset her. Sehun worried over this as he made himself his own bowl of cereal and joined Eunji by the counter.

"What's bothering you?" He asked, looking to her eyes with concern.

"I-I," Eunji stuttered. She looked like she was trying to find the right words to say, but instead tears began to fall down her cheeks.

"Hey, hey," Sehun comforted, reaching out to grab Eunji's hand, "it's okay. Tell me what's wrong."

"It's Kai," she whispered, barely audible, "Luhan told me about him and I got worried. And then tonight he told me he doesn't like me. I'm worried that he's going to try to ruin our relationship."

"What? Why doesn't he like you?" Sehun asked.

"He thinks I'm stealing you away from him," Eunji mumbled.

"That's ridiculous." Sehun shook his head.

"I don't like him, Sehun," Eunji admitted, "he's bad news. I...I don't want to tell you to stop hanging out with him because I know how you feel about Baekhyun and you're still fine with me hanging out with him, but I'm just so worried that Kai will try to do something to tear us apart. I know I'm being selfish and thinking of the worst case scenario, but talking to him tonight shook me for some reason. I don't know why he bothers me so much."

Without saying anything, Sehun hefted Eunji onto the counter and looked into her eyes fiercely. She looked a bit shocked by his actions, but said nothing. Sehun leaned forward and kissed the tears from Eunji's face and caressed her cheek. He wanted to comfort her, but he didn't know the right words to use. He had never been in this type of situation before.

"I'm so sorry," he said finally, leaning forward to touch his forehead against hers.

"It's not your fault." She shook her head slowly.

"But he's my friend and I brought him here." Sehun pulled away to look at Eunji's face. "It's my fault."

"No." Eunji reached out and cupped Sehun's cheek in her hand. "It's not your fault. Luhan told me you've been refusing to revert to your old ways no matter how much Kai pushes it. You're amazing for that."

"I just really don't want to mess this up," Sehun said. "what we've got here, I like it. I've never felt this way about someone, and I'll admit sometimes I've thought about going back to my old ways, but I always come back to you. The way I feel around you is something new that I want to explore. I love how you see adventure in everything, and I want to see the world like you do."

"You make me sound so special." Eunji smiled softly.

"Because you are," he breathed, "you are amazing. You turned me, a hopeless playboy, into this semi-respectable guy who could possibly find love. It's been three months now, almost four, and that's incredibly long for me. It feels like a lifetime, but still so short."

"Did you turn into a poet overnight?" Eunji teased.

"Yeah, I think I did," Sehun laughed and touched their foreheads together once more.

They stayed like that for a moment longer, eyes closed, enjoying the moment. Sehun was so happy to have Eunji by his side. The change had been so sudden, and he had been wavering in the beginning, but it was so worth it. Eunji was the best thing that had happened to him in a long time. He had never felt so cared for before, not even by his friends or the girls who had been infatuated with him. Eunji felt like coming home after a long road trip; she felt like coming home.

"Sehun," Eunji whispered softly.

"Yeah?" He asked without opening his eyes.

"I want to be yours," she said.

"You already are," he replied, slightly confused.

"No," she said, slightly more firmly, and pulled away from him, "I want to be yours. Completely and fully, yours."

"Are you sure?" Sehun asked. Sure, it had been a few months since they started dating, but Sehun had no concept of how slow "slow" was.

"Positive," she murmurred into his ear.



Eunji never imagined that Sehun would be so gentle. Of course, he wasn't the first person she had slept with, but it was the first like this. He was so careful, as if afraid to break her. Everything he did, he would look at her for her approval or ask if she was okay. He seemed like the only thing on his mind was making her feel good. And he succeeded in that mission.

She had never felt pleasure before in the way she did at that moment. With Sehun, it felt different. It was cliché to say that it felt right, but that was the only word that could come to Eunji's mind. Sehun's lips left her skin burning while his wandering fingers left trails of ice across her body. Everything was conflicting in perfect chaos as he explored every inch of her carefully.

Sehun took his time, caressing every part of Eunji and leaving goosebumps covering her flesh. He seemed to be completely awestruck by her bare body which made her just slightly embarrassed. When he touched her, she felt as if he were satisfying a craving she didn't know she had. When he called out her name, he sent shivers down her spine.

"Eunji?" Sehun asked softly as they lay in her bed, breathless.

"Yes?" Eunji turned over to look at Sehun.

"You're a goddess." He smiled breathlessly.

"You're damn right I am," Eunji laughed before snuggling into his chest and closing her eyes to sleep.

As Eunji drifted off to sleep, she couldn't help but feel guilty. She had wanted to sleep with Sehun for a little while now, but wanted to wait in order to take it slow. The reason she had asked him tonight was because she was afraid, afraid of Kai and what he could do to their relationship. She trusted Sehun, but she was terrified of Kai. Eunji hoped, in a last ditch effort, that sleeping with Sehun would somehow solidify their relationship even more, thwarting off any advances Kai would try to make. She could only hope that it worked.

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