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Sehun woke to an empty bed for the first time that week, and he didn't care to admit that it was a pleasant way to wake up. Ever since he went to that coffee shop down the block, he could't stop thinking about the owner, Eunji. Her onyx hair and warm brown orbs with flecks of gold in them were so entrancing. The way her ponytail swayed between her shoulderblades when she walked was almost like a pendulum hypnotizing him. Her bright smile that was just a hint mischevious made him want to take those lips for his own. And he didn't even want to get started on her ass; it was too early in the morning to be thinking about her immaculate ass.

Sehun turned his head to look at the other, empty half of his bed. Oh, what he wouldn't give to have Eunji laying there right now, murmuring his name in her sleep. Sehun could picture her black locks in a messy halo around her head, her long eyelashes tickling her cheeks as she dreamed of him. The way her lips would be curled in just the slighest smile, the way she would smell. Sehun wanted Eunji to be all his, he wanted to claim all these things as his.

"What the fuck am I doing?" Sehun sat up, shaking his head and running a hand through his hair. He never fantasized about having someone. If he wanted them, they were his. So why was it so difficult for him to win over this simple coffee shop owner?

She was different than any girl he had pursued. Of course, Sehun had encountered girls who didn't want anything to do with him, but Eunji was different in the way he felt. He had never been flustered around a girl; he had never been uncertain. And then there was that unexplainable pain in his chest when she had called out his name. What was that? He had never felt something so alien before and it was seriously messing with his head.

"I've got to see her again," Sehun muttered to himself.

He loved a challenge, and this girl was certainly a challenge. He was going to win her over no matter what it took.


"Sehun," Eunji smirked as she looked over her shoulder from her conversation with the shop manager, "what a surprise seeing you here."

Sehun fought to keep his composure as his name left her lips. That same feeling from the first time shot though his chest like a bullet. It felt like someone was stabbing him through the chest with a serrated knife and twisting the blade. Despite the pain, Sehun smirked with confidence and stepped to the side to let the girl he had brought with him order first.

Eunji looked at Sehun with laughter in her eyes, but silently rang the two of them up as the manager, who she had called Chanyeol, made their drinks. This time, Sehun was relieved that Eunji wasn't making the drinks. He didn't think he could bear the pain of her calling his name again.

"Do you know Eunji?" Asked Sehun's date after they sat down with their drinks.

"Not really, I just go here sometimes." Sehun said casually before adding, "Wait, you called her by her name. Do you know her?"

"Yeah, she's my ex," she sighed with longing as if reminiscing about her childhood house or her first dog.

"W-what?" Sehun nearly choked on his coffee, losing his composure.

Was she a lesbian? That would explain why she didn't like him. He was irresistable, and here she was easily flirting with him without even looking like she had the slightest interest in him. If she were a lesbian, it would make sense.

"We used to date," Sehun's date laughed, "that's usually what 'ex' means."

"So she's a lesbian?" Sehun raised an eyebrow.

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