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"I can't stop thinking about Eunji," Baekhyun admitted to Lay as he wiped down the bar.

Tonight was a painfully slow night at the bar Baekhyun worked in, so he had called Lay to come over and keep him company. Lay sat at the bar, drinking his beer slowly, listening to Baekhyun rant about Eunji.

"I know, that's about the seventh time you've said that since I got here," Lay laughed at Baekhyun.

"Sehun doesn't deserve her!" Baekhyun wrung out a towel with more force than necessary.

"Why not?" Lay asked. "He seems really into her."

"You don't know him like I do." Baekhyun shook his head.

"You didn't know his name until Friday." Lay rolled his eyes.

"That doesn't matter," Baekhyun insisted, "he used to come here all the time and he would always flirt with different girls and take them home. He was never with the same girl twice. He's just using Eunji."

"You don't know that," Lay said with a shrug.

"Yes, I do." Baekhyun slammed his hand on the bar in front of his friend. He knew what Sehun was like, he knew that there was only one way this relationship could end: with Eunji's heart in shambles. He wanted to stop that from happening. Baekhyun knew that he was the right guy for Eunji, but her just needed her to see that.

"What if he's changed his ways after he met Eunji?" Lay asked. "They have a really balanced relationship that actually a lot of people would strive for. Considering they've just started out, they've got a great relationship."

"How do you know this?" Baekhyun squinted at his freind accusingly.

"Eunji told me." He shrugged.

"When?" Baekhyun was taken aback. When had Lay ever had the time to talk to Eunji? How close was Lay to her? Was he interested in her as well?

"Relax, we get together often to talk about business and what she needs since we're just starting this partnership and she's trying to find out what is most popular and how to make this as profitable as possible for both of us," Lay explained, "plus, I'm teaching her how to play piano."

"Piano?" Baekhyun's brow furrowed.

"She has a piano in her apartment, but she doesn't know how to play it. I'm teaching her," Lay said.

"How often?" Baekhyun pressed.

"Every first Tuesday of the month is what we've decided since that's when we'll have regular expense meetings," Lay answered.

"I can't believe it," Baekhyun sighed, dropping his head into his hands.

"What?" Lay looked at his friend with concern.

"You know how I feel about Eunji, but you're taking advances on her?" Baekhyun looked up at his friend, betrayed.

"Woah, man." Lay put his hands up. "Eunji and I are just friends. I don't see her that way."

"Are you sure you aren't just saying that to get me off your case?" Baekhyun leaned forward.

"You need to chill." Lay rested a hand on his friend's shoulder. "You are way too on edge about a girl who is in a happy relationship."

"It's not going to be happy for long! Sehun is going to break her heart, I just know it," Baekhyun cried out in indignation, drawing the attention of a few people in the bar.

"If you keep stressing over this, you're going to ruin your friendship with her. You're lucky she doesn't remember you flat out telling her you don't like her boyfriend." Lay shook his head, looking down into his beer.

"But I thought she should know what kind of guy he is," sighed Baekhyun. He really was thankful, however, for that bottle of vodka she had shared with Sunmi that wiped her memory of their exchange. Baekhyun had been so afraid that he had ruined his friendship with her after their conversation.

"That's something that she has to figure out for herself," Lay said softly, "who knows? Maybe Sehun really has changed his ways and he's going to stay with Eunji."

"But what if she gets hurt?" Baekhyun was distressed. Someone like Eunji would never in a thousand lifetimes deserve the pain of a broken heart.

"Then you'll be there to catch her." Lay took a sip of his drink. "Your job now is to be her friend and not put her in a position where she has to choose between you and her boyfriend. If she does get hurt, you can be the one to make sure that she doesn't have to go through it alone. And maybe then, you'll have your chance to love her. But you can't keep stressing over it and you can't put any pressure on her or she'll turn away from you."

"I suppose you're right," Baekhyun mumbled.

He didn't like it, though. He didn't want to have to wait until Sehun hurt Eunji. He knew that there was no way Sehun would be able to stay in a comitted relationship for long. Eunji and Sehun were a grenade; Sehun was the pin and Eunji was the body. When everything exploded, Eunji would be in pieces and Sehun would be safe far away. Baekhyun didn't want that to happen. He wanted Eunji to see that dating Sehun was a terrible idea and get out while she could. Baekhyun wanted to show her that he could hold her in his arms just as tenderly as Sehun did, but it would be a thousand times more genuine.

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