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"That's it?" Just a kiss on the cheek?" Luhan asked in bewilderment. Sehun never left a date with just a kiss on the cheek.

"That's it," Sehun nodded.

"And she wasn't weirded out when you asked what love felt like?" Luhan asked.

"Will you stop dwelling on that?" Sehun sighed. "I know it was a weird thing to ask."

"It's a really weird thing to ask, man," Luhan chuckled.

"But the way she answered, it was so beautiful and poetic," Sehun smiled to himself, "I want to feel what she described."

"Wait, so you don't think you love her?" Luhan sat up to look at his friend.

"I'm not sure if I love her," Sehun began, "but what I meant is that she said love is different for everyone, but that's the way she feels. I want to feel that even though what I feel when I'm with her is nothing like that."

"But you do feel something?" Luhan looked at his friend with curious eyes.

"Definitely," Sehun nodded firmly, "it's been a week, but I still feel this pull towards her. I go to her shop every day and talk with her on her breaks. I mean, I haven't been with another girl since my date with Eunji. I haven't even thought about looking at another girl."

"That's pretty strange for you," Luhan admitted.

"I just...I really want to be with her because she looks at me like no one ever has and I like the way I feel around her," Sehun gushed.

"Hey, you know I'm behind you on this, but I have to ask if you're sure," Luhan said, "I mean, I've known you since junior high and you haven't changed in the slightest since then. This is a big change from who you've been most of your life. Are you sure this is what you want? Are you sure you aren't just doing this for the challenge?"

"I know that I've never believed in love, but I saw something in Eunji's eyes that I had never seen before and it made me think that maybe love is real. She loves life, and it shows in how she lives her's. That part of her made me feel like I need to change otherwise I'll never get close to her and that light in her eyes," Sehun sighed.

Luhan was about to say something when there was a knock at the door. The two men looked at he door and then at each other in confusion.

"Are you expecting anyone?" Luhan eyed his friend.

"No?" Sehun stood up to approach the door.

He walked up to the door and curiously peered through the peep hole before pulling back in surprise. Luhan eyed him questioningly as he slid the chain off the door and swung it open to reveal a girl standing in the doorway with a big paper bag.

"Eunji?" Sehun seemed beyond surprised.

"Hey!" She smiled brightly before noticing Luhan on the couch behind Sehun. "Is now a bad time?"

"No, no," Sehun shook his head hurriedly, "I was just surprised is all."

"Well, that was the idea," she laughed, "I just didn't think you'd have anyone over, sorry."

"No need to be sorry," Sehun said as he ushered Eunji inside, "this is my friend Luhan. He was just leaving."

"I was?" Luhan looked taken aback at which Eunji giggled.

"It's fine, I've got enough ingredients here to feed a large family," Eunji waved her hand dismissively as Sehun shot a less than pleasant look at Luhan.

"Ingredients?" Sehun turned to look at Eunji, his eyes softening in a way Luhan had never seen.

"I came to make you dinner," Eunji explained, "do you like bibimbap?"

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