Chapter 19 : Tyler and Hailey

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Third Person POV-

Naomi jerks up in the alley, the sun shining brightly on her face. Damn, she thought. The vampire knocked her out good. As she stands to her feet, she looks around for her papers. When she realizes they are not there, she rushes back into her shop.

Marcel is pacing in his bedroom, he does not understand the papers his lackey brought to him. It is a foreign language he has never seen. As the papers lay on the table, he picks up the phone.

"Hello" The female voice answers.

"I need you over here now!" He shouts and hangs up.


Everyone is moving in and out of the house all morning. Caroline is feeling really fatigue and decides to take a moment to call her mother. She has only spoken with her a couple of times, since arriving.

"Forbes speaking." She answers.

Caroline smiles "It's me mom, calling to see how things are." She says.

"Caroline, sweetie. I've meant to call but so much has happen. Sorry about Bonnie. I know Stefan told you. It was chaos here, but things are quieting down a bit. Which has me on edge." She says.

"I know..." Caroline pauses and starts to mess with the buttons on her dress. Not knowing how to tell her mom about the baby.

"Caroline...are you in danger...are you safe?" Liz begs.

" Yes...and Yes. Mom...when do you think you could get a vacation?" she ask

"Maybe by the end of this year. Why?" Liz ponders

"So you can visit me and your grandson." Caroline holds her breath...waiting.

"What... Caroline are you telling me, you are pregnant?!!" Liz shouts getting up to walk outside. Still processing everything she has just heard.

"Yes and..." Caroline is cut off.

"Klaus is the father...Caroline. Vampires can't have babies, what did he do to you. I knew it was a mistake letting you go with him. He did this to trap you. Sweetie...let me talk to Stefan!!" Liz rants.

Caroline stands up "Mom...calm down. Okay, the box had information on our family history or dad's family. The Forbes, there was a loophole. Somehow we were descendants from wolves." Caroline pauses


"I'm listening." She answers

" Me and Klaus are mates, he is my true love. Mom...I love him." She says as her voice turns weak.

"And the baby, is it human or supernatural?" Liz ask

"Supernatural." Caroline mumbles.

"This child and you now, will forever be a target because of him. Caroline...have you really thought this through?" Liz is scared for Caroline and the baby. She is not fully on board and Caroline can tell it in her voice.

"Mom...please. Trust me, he loves me so much as I do him. He treats me like no other. We are safe with him, we belong to him as he belongs to us. I know all you see is the evil he's done. Please just give it a chance for me..." Caroline begs.

Liz exhales into the phone "Okay...but I have to get use to this. Hell, I just got use to you living with him and his family. Are they treating you well?" She starts to ramble again.

Caroline giggles "Yes, mom. They treat me like family." she stays quiet.

"Honey...I have to go, but I will call you soon okay. I take it you want me to keep this between us. I will" she hesitates.

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